Activity 3 – Week 12 (Analysing Learning Analytics – Investors/Venture Analysts)

This experience is designed to create an analysis of the current market for Learning Analytics Ventures. Its purpose is to help you understand critical information in the analysis, design and evaluation of a social/learning analytics venture. Multiple roles are presented: students, educators, instructional designers, venture analysts, entrepreneurs, and investors.

 You may respond to one or more of the categories as desired.


This Blog is dedicated for your response as Investors/Venture Analysts


What elements would you desire to see in a pitch on learning analytics?

Why would/why would you not invest in social/learning analytics?

What elements will you use to analyse a social/learning analytic venture?

What elements do you consider essential in creating a successful social/learning analytic venture?


These questions are prompts. You may use them or respond in any other way.

To respond, simply reply in the comments section below this post.

To respond to other roles go to:


Educators/Instructional Designers


To review or for further reading visit our Presentation.

Posted in: Week 12: Social Analytics