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  • Everton Walker 12:51 pm on October 17, 2011
    0 votes

    Hi All,   I am a big fan of blogging as it has become a part of my classroom since early 2011. First, I started out using webs but found out that it wasn’t meeting my mandate and I never had enough space to set up content, graphics and videos. Soon after I started using […]

    Continue reading Hi All,   I am a big fan of bloggin… Posted in: Week 07: Blogs
    • Juliana 1:41 pm on October 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Everton,

      Thank you very much for such a thorough analysis! I am glad that you shared your experiences with working with webs and other blog types.

      You have said that you find you like using WordPress for blogging. Any changes that you can think of to make WordPress even more marketable? Also, anything you think WordPress could do better for your classroom applications?


    • Everton Walker 1:51 pm on October 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Well I would like to see it take on features similar to that of a LMS and include email service, built-in quizzes etc ; simply put, more tools for the teacher and students to work with.


    • Deb Kim 4:02 pm on October 17, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Everton,
      I’ve also incorporated blogging into my classroom as I teach Math at Tech Immersion Program.
      As you said, I like WordPress too. I think you mentioned it in another post of mine.
      I agree with you that WordPress can be more marketable if it has features like quizzes and a submission box for assignments. Although I use WordPress for my lessons, my students still have to go to Moodle to submit their work and do quizzes/tests. If they are all built in WordPress, teachers don’t have to get training for both WordPress and Moodle, and students don’t move back and forth.


      • hall 3:58 pm on October 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Deb,

        How was the students’ feedback when you incoporated blogging into your math class? I realized whenever I used blogging with my students they do not communicate as much as when they are in my face to face class.

      • Deb Giesbrecht 5:44 pm on October 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Deb,

        How does blogging work in a Math class? It is great that you can get kids to use both applications – what does that look like?

    • kstooshnov 10:23 am on October 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Everton,

      Thanks for the post, and gotta agree that WordPress works for educational blogging. Also wanted to check with your first line: “it has become a part of my classroom since early 2012.” Do you mean 2002, or are these experiences “- if, like a crab, you could go backwards” (Hamlet, II, ii, 204) – really posts from the future? Happy to hear more about them , either way 😉


    • Everton Walker 1:03 pm on October 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Thank you. I mean 2011. It does facilitate educational blogging to a great extent. I am really enjoying its use and constantly seeking new plugins to improve its appearance and delivery capabilities.


    • hall 3:45 pm on October 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Everton,

      Educational blogging is a very useful tool to engage students in online discussion. I worked wordpress and found that it is one blogging tool I have come across. Your blogging site should help to transform your students both computer skills and langauge. Well done in setting that site.

      How do you find the shy students when they are engaged in online discussion?

    • Everton Walker 6:36 pm on October 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      I realize that the shy students find the blogging space as their comfort zone. Even though they will not say much in f2f sessions, they tend to write a lot on the blog and critique what others have to say. Some were even trying to hide their identity until I told them not to do so.


  • jenaca 11:47 pm on October 16, 2011
    0 votes

    Week 7: Emerging Market Team would like to present our weeks discussion on AdVentures in Blogging and invite you to join us through this wonderful journey. We have provided two resources to present our finding: AdVentures in Blogging through WordPress UBC Wiki How to participate? ▪                After reading each of the five days of content and the […]

    Continue reading Welcome to AdVentures in Blogging Posted in: Week 07: Blogs
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