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  • jenaca 9:41 am on October 31, 2011
    0 votes

    Great work Week 9! I really like the way you have created your wiki and the use of information you provided. I have been waiting for this presentation on iPads and am so excited to learn more about them through your wiki! It looks great so far! I believe that using an iPad would benefit […]

    Continue reading To iPad? Week 9 Discussion #2 Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Angela Novoa 12:28 pm on October 31, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jenaca, thanks for sharing these useful tips on how using iPads in the classroom. We are glad to hear you like the way in which is delivered information about iPads through our wiki.

      I loved your idea about voice recording. I use this application to record songs that I compose, or ideas that I come up with. But recording in order to check how your classes are being, how fast or loud you are speaking is very useful.

      About your last reflections, I must agree with you. As new technologies are constantly emerging we as educators must do the job of learning how to integrate them effectively and select the apps that might be useful in the classroom. It might be a challenging and time-demanding task to accomplish but I must say from my experience that at the same time it is very exciting too.

    • Doug Smith 5:35 pm on November 1, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for sharing your experience Janaca. My question is how much these uses would change if it was a netbook or notebook instead of an iPad. Furthermore, how many new activities/tasks could be added to the list if a netbook/notebook was used?


    • jarvise 11:24 am on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Teacher use (or lack thereof) is definitely a potential issue. This is where targeted training should come in. The issue with many schools is spending too much on hardware and not enough on support and training. Makes much more sense to get a few people trained, and then allow best practices to trickle through. Venture idea: online short training sessions for teachers on using the device in their classes…


    • Deb Kim 3:16 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply


      Thank you for the ideas on how you would use an iPad in the classroom.
      As my classroom is a computer lab, I didn’t feel a need for having an iPad. However, considering that there are teachers who don’t have their own classroom or who don’t have computer access very ofen, I think iPad is a great tool to use that you listed above.


  • kstooshnov 9:32 am on October 31, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: , elementary,   

    Prior to the start of the school year, and this MET course, I attended a workshop in my school district which asked a question similar to the one above, whether the iPad will provide useful educational content for teachers and students, or if it will be used for games and other distractions.  The principal who […]

    Continue reading Educational Tool or Toy? – Week 9 Discussion #2 Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
    • Angela Novoa 12:11 pm on October 31, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for sharing your experience. I think that creating a conscience among students that they are a community, and as a community, they are responsible of the learning process of all its members (in this case by taking care of the iPads) is great.


    • Julie S 7:43 pm on October 31, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I didn’t know about the 12 minute rule – thanks for that!

      Your story about the locked away devices reminds me of a study I did a few years back for BCNet about the educational use of video conferencing across a few Universities engaging in a pilot program. A minority of pilot users kept their video conferencing equipment locked in a closet. There stories were failures where almost everyone else was a huge success. It seems that the difficult access kept everyone on their teams, including themselves, from using the technology. The equipment may be safe but does it matter if it’s not going to get used?

      I’m also interested in the GPS capabilities. I think this is one of the most high potential areas for learning. Getting outside and interactive will be huge fun for the kids.

      There is an article (GPS mobile phones but not Macs – it’s flash based) – Mobile Game Based Learning: Designing a Mobile Locaiton Based Game by Sandra Schadenbauer, that you may be interested in. They describe a game in the framework of Moodle. It’s clear and has conceptual model screen shots.



    • hall 11:25 pm on November 1, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi kstooshnov,

      Your post was very informative. Thank you for sharing your experience which has proved useful in classes with limited resources. Through your post I saw the use of technology can be effective in cooperative groups.

    • Deb Kim 3:05 pm on November 2, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you for the tips on the “12 minutes”. It was a very informative post.
      I haven’t used the iPad for formal or informal learning, but have been considering to purchase one for educational purposes (especially for my teaching) since I couldn’t afford to purchase a tabletPC.


  • Deb G 5:12 pm on October 30, 2011
    0 votes


    Please join us in an exciting week as we uncover and discover the many uses of the iPad and its apps in the realm of education. You can view our Introduction on VoiceThread. Connect with us on our wikispace dedicated to the ipad. You can also find our class wiki from the landing page or […]

    Continue reading Welcome to the ETEC 522 Market Analysis of the iPad Posted in: Week 09: iPad Apps
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