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  • Julie S 10:13 am on November 18, 2011
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    Tags: corporate learning   

    First of all, I just want to say thanks to the mobile team as you have pulled together a wealth of information on the subject of m-Learning. It’s impossible for me to get through all of the content, by this I mean following and reviewing all of the linked in information, so I’m glad it’s […]

    Continue reading Combined Mobile Answers Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 12:07 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for the comprehensive post.

      As for learning languages, I share your pain. I think we often try to do too much and we stay at a very superficial level. My own efforts to learn Japanese have not made me a speaker. The issue is I learned a lot of vocabulary (although a lot of it was highly esoteric, a bad design decision!) but I didn’t practice it in authentic contexts. A proper mobile resource might help scaffold me before and during conversations… beyond a simple phrase book.

      Corporate is late to the party with mobile. My own talks with a multinational about their mobile strategy show that it is very much in progress and there are few mature service providers available who can scale solutions on a global basis. Content is focused on performance support, meaning it’s highly domain-specific. Content can also be highly culture-specific given that major corporations have distinctive cultures. This means their content is pretty much beyond our reach… it’s designed in house for in house use. The multinational I spoke with however indicated they are focusing on providing performance support and knowledge refreshment for use in taxis and waiting rooms… when professionals are just about to meet clients and solve problems or explain complex regulations or other requirements.

      I wouldn’t worry to much about being stale-dated. Corporate focuses on a chosen lowest-common denominator to ensure they will work over a broad set of devices. Churn in hardware and operating systems updates doesn’t help corporate sales… it drives their IT departments crazy– how can they support everything? It seems the idea of buying everyone a device may be dated… employees have their own devices and want to use them.

      Very cool that you tried development! No Canadian cities??????

    • Julie S 2:56 pm on November 18, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Hi David,

      I think you are right about the language learning in an authentic setting and the mobile application could help a lot – if designed well. I went to Japan for two weeks with my Japanese friend and her family and I was speechless for most of the time because I felt pretty overwhelmed. I would have loved to have a mobile app to help decipher phrases. Even being able to punch in the menu items would have helped so my friend didn’t have to order for me most of the time.

      I agree about the content problems in the corporation and my venture project for this course has been focused on researching possible approaches to the challenge. Particularly the metadata which is needed to expose the company specific content in order to take advanatage of it in e-learning applications. I think that the web has really taken off with the concept of folksonomy and something like this is needed to replace the metadata management platform in place in the corporate world. This would mean getting the employees involved in update and maintenance where now there is currently mostly corporate control to ensure standards and accuracy. Which you have to wonder, why bother if there is not content or if the content is so out of date because the limited resources can’t keep up.

      Very good point about not needing to worry about the stale datedness of my devices with respect to the corporate enviornment. You are exactly right. Corporate IT hates change and they can’t possibly keep up with the demands of such rapid change.

      As for the development – You’re right! No Canadaian cities – these are the training files so you can tell it’s a U.S. software training company! I am using it as a base for my demo as part of my venture program that won’t have anything to do with geography 🙂

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