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  • andrea 1:05 pm on November 20, 2011
    0 votes

    Tags: audio, , Video   

    What one change would you require to adopt m-learning for your own teaching and learning? This is not really a change, but rather an area for research. I’m not a teacher, but within my work context I would need to hear from our audience that mobile learning is something they’re interested to try and use. […]

    Continue reading Day 4 – new directions Posted in: Week 11: Mobiles
    • David William Price 7:25 pm on November 20, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I think Steve Jobs would say that people don’t really know what they want (although a UX consultant I mentioned this too beat me up for saying this). But I think it’s true, beyond early adopters. Most people don’t bother with something if they can’t see how it makes a significant positive impact for them.

      The multinational I spoke with loaded Blackberrys up with software and put them in the hands of their executives to show them the possibilities. Jobs did something similar when he showed people in Apple the swipe-scrolling function of the iPhone.

      Consider the discussion this week… I’ve really been pushing opportunity-based thinking about mobiles for learning while roaming, but I find most people see mobiles through the lenses of their typical lives today… mostly sedentary and mostly using laptops. To engage interest, you have to mock up new ways of engaging with the world… ways that demonstrate value and not just gee-whiz coolness.

    • andrea 6:49 pm on November 21, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I agree that people find it hard to visualize how something will transform their lives or a current practice. (This was my own experience with the iPhone – I never imagined it would be as useful or become as indispensable as it is.)

      However, I do think it’s important to ask people how they currently use the tools they have so we know the starting point. From that we can better determine the kinds of support or roll-out that will help people to adopt it. And, if we create something that works for smart phones only to find out that 80% of them are still using the original Nokia phone, we’ve wasted our efforts. As much as, I would love to load some iPhones up with cool apps and give them to our volunteers, but that’s not how health care non-profits usually roll. 🙂

  • David Vogt 9:50 pm on September 1, 2011
    -2 votes

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    Video is not a new media form, but its use as a standard media type used in non-media companies is expanding rapidly. Technology trends in digital photography, consumer electronics, the web, social software, unified communications, digital and Internet-based television and mobile computing are all reaching critical tipping points that bring video into the mainstream. Over […]

    Continue reading Digital Video Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
    • David William Price 7:17 am on September 8, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      Video is expensive to do well. I find myself in the cynical camp on this one as well. Bad video, bad blogs… what’s the point of generating so much “content” with such poor values in organization, communication and production? I suppose I hate to focus on a medium without first having in place the skills to develop useful and usable content.

    • Everton Walker 7:40 pm on September 12, 2011 | Log in to Reply

      I too believe that videos are on the verge of taking off. After all, seeing is believing and we tend to retain what we have seen better than what we have merely heard.

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