Hello from Toronto
Hi Everyone!
I’m Eva, from Toronto. I’m working towards my PhD in the ISGP program at UBC and many of my courses are in MET. This will be my second MET course. My research interests are “Developing a Learning Model for Online Film Education.” I am also very interested in using Machinima as a learning tool. I completed my MA at Goldsmiths College, University of London, England and my BFA at York in Film & Video. I’m a filmmaker (although not making a film right now) and a film professor at Humber College in the Film & Television Production Program. I teach screenwriting and oversee thesis projects, among other things.
I’m entrepreneurial at heart, perhaps because I worked at my parents B & B as a kid. When I was 18 years old, I started a workshop, “How to get into the film industry in Toronto,” and while it was a bold move given my lack of experience, it was successful. Through this experience, I developed an interest in finding and filling a niche in a market. I am interested in taking this course because I hope to find ways in which film education can be monetized online, both in public institutions and private companies. I believe there is a huge market for online film/media education, but I do not yet know how to go about testing and pitching ventures in this market. I look forward to this course, as I believe it will help open my eyes in many ways.
Looking forward to meeting everyone in the course.
Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
kstackhouse 3:40 pm on September 6, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Welcome Eva. You have a very interesting background. Your current work sounds fascinating. I agree with your position that an online film education is something that could be marketed. Teaching Media Studies (having never worked in media) has been very challenging. I look forward to learning from you. I love film and television and had I not chosen education I think I would have loved a career in media. Have a great term.
Eva Ziemsen 3:28 am on September 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Ken,
Thanks for the response and your kind words. I return the comments – your work sounds very interesting too. It’s nice to find people with similar passions in the course. Perhaps we will be able to collaborate on something film/media related in this course. That would be great. Have you ever worked with Machinima? I have not, but would like to try very soon. I’m sure we’ll connect again soon, Eva
kstackhouse 2:19 pm on September 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
That sounds great! I have not heard of Machinima. It sounds very interesting. I will be sure to check it out.
C. Ranson 7:14 pm on September 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Eva,
Nice to meet you. Film industry, very interesting! I am sure you are attending the Toronto Film Festival this week-end, any suggestions?
jenbarker 3:38 am on September 10, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Eva,
So nice to see a familiar face! I remember our week long course well. I assume you are back in Toronto. How many courses are required for a Ph.D? I am also taking ETEC 511. Have you taken that one before? I am struggling a bit with all the theory. I find I have to read and re-read the articles to unpack them. Anyway, great to talk to you again, Jen
Eva Ziemsen 1:49 am on October 22, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Nice to hear from you, Jen! ETEC 511 is a tough one, but very rewarding in the end. Keep at it.
Hi Catherine, sorry, I did not get back to you, as I was likely in the midst of taking care of start up at the college where I work also. Are you in Toronto I guess? Did you see any films?
Ken, if you want more info on machinima, please email me and I will give you lots of links. I posted my essay on it on http://www.evaziemsen.com (under UBC etec 511). Check it out if you like.