Peggy, from Saskatchewan
Greetings everyone! I always love this 1st week of a new course, meeting everyone for the first, or 2nd or 3rd time. One of the greatest things of MET is getting the chance to work with people from all over the world.
I’m Peggy Lawson, and this is my 9th class. Like Doug & others I’m on the slow journey. But my work life is full this year, moving into the coordinator of instructional technology for my large school division in SE Saskatchewan (geographically the size of Vancouver Island), in addition to my assessment (data analysis) role. I’m looking forward to Ventures; I think it will be useful to see things from the vendors eyes, as I’m often directly involved in deciding what educational technologies we purchase for our division. As I read through the introduction, I can also see how the skills we’ll gain can have great use in selling teaching on new ideas and directions, not just on physical products.
In my spare time I … well, I don’t have much spare time these days but will some day!
Peggy (peglaws @ is one way to reach me)
Posted in: General
Doug Connery 2:39 am on September 6, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Peggy:
Welcome aboard. Your name sounds familiar but I can’t recall if we have been in a course before. Maybe a sign we have been in the program long enough!
Jonathan 3:44 am on September 6, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Peggy —
Which part of Saskatchewan are you from? I was born and raised in Saskatoon until I moved out to the West Coast!
kstackhouse 3:35 pm on September 6, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Welcome Peggy. Congrats on being near the completion of MET. I also love meeting so many people from around the world. I am always interested to see what technologies are being used and how they are being implemented in other places. It is also striking that the problems I face in NB are often similar to those that others are facing across the Globe.
Have a great term.
jameschen 3:02 am on September 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Great seeing you again, Peggy! I see that you are taking on more responsibilities at work, but the experience must be very rewarding. Looking forward to learning from the contributions that you and everyone else will be making in this course!
C. Ranson 7:07 pm on September 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Peggy, Great to meet up with you again. You were a wealth of knowledge for many of us in ETEC 565 when we were developing our Moodle Course. Look forward to learning together again.