Engrade App Review Discussion
Engrade – unifies all of the people, tools, data, and curriculum in your schools on one user-friendly platform and now available on your Iphone, Ipad and Android
Engrade – unifies all of the people, tools, data, and curriculum in your schools on one user-friendly platform and now available on your Iphone, Ipad and Android
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cunnian 9:02 pm on October 3, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I found that, in my limited testing, that the Engrade app was quite simple and intuitive to use and communicates student progress in a clear way to parents and students. In short, I would be quite happy to use it as a parent or as a teacher.
This was a frustrating app to test because to really test it, you need to use Engrade (which I do not). I decided to set up a dummy account for this purpose, and I was delighted to see that Engrade now has a Canadian domain, making it an option that I could legally use for my own classes in Canada. After setting up an account, I quickly found out that the Engrade app only works on the US domain 🙁 After deleting my Canadian dummy account, I set up an American one and did some playing around. It would be great if they could expand the coverage of their app, but I am sure that is something that they are already considering.
All of this made me think about some of the complexities of how apps are used internationally and how designers need to try to consider these as they construct these tools. Unfortunately, because they are small programs, after one bad experience or a small amount of frustration on the users’ part they can be quickly trashed.
adi 5:40 pm on October 5, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I tried to set up an account too, and couldn’t. However, I do think that allowing teachers, administrators, parents and students access is great, so are all the things that can be managed in one area. It is a shame it’s not accessible in other countries. Any idea why? Maybe I should pitch it in Mexico 🙂
kstackhouse 7:18 am on October 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for taking the effort to test this out. You are right that it is a problem for app designers that they must consider not only their current market but also future market. Hopefully with the release of a Canadian domain they have the plans to expand their app coverage.
pcollins 7:23 am on October 4, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I was pleasantly surprised by this engrade app. I’ve used engrade online for years and I’m a bit embarrassed to say I had no idea they had developed an app for their program. i wonder how many other programs have created apps that I’m clueless about?