Aura Activity Discussion Forum This is a…
Aura Activity Discussion Forum
This is a space to showcase your experience creating an Aura. Please feel free to share your experience here; thoughts about the potential use and/or limitations of Auras in a K-12 classroom and links to other similar tools. Due to the limitation of sharing your Aura with a large group, feel free to also share your Aura in the open Facebook Group “ETEC 522 Augmented Reality 2012.”
Posted in: General, Week 07:
jkotler 4:15 am on October 16, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I really liked this application and had a lot of fun creating my own aura. I wanted to share it here or on the Facebook page but had trouble figuring out how to attach or upload it.
Jenny Brown 1:25 pm on October 16, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Julie,
I agree that right now it is a bit difficult to attach an Aura unless you email or text it to someone directly and that person has access to that picture/paper/ etc. Sharing through the Facebook page at least gives us a glimpse of each others auras, another option is to take a picture and post it. So what you can do is:
1. Join the ETEC 522 Augmented Reality Group (you should now be added Julie)
2. Receive confirmation that you are part of the group
4. Share your Aura to your own facebook page.
5. Then click on Share on your facebook page and then on the dropdown choose share in a group (and pick the ETEC 522 Augemented Reality Group)
Not the most straight forward unfortunately. Something definitely that I learned using Aurasma is that it work best for people in the same location or those with access to the same print materials/books/papers etc.
I will update the instructions so that hopefully it is a little more straightforward. Thanks for the great Ted talks video too!
tomwhyte1 9:17 am on October 17, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I have successfully added a post to the facebook group (great idea).
I will summarize my thoughts here though, great app potential. Add items, like help video’s to assignment sheets, to help students understand the concepts easily. Only concern, is the app working across multiple platforms.
visramn 9:34 pm on October 19, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for sharing your experience with this program Tom. I think the multiple platforms issue is definitely a valid one because a lot of times what a person creates on on platform can not be accessed from another and then the whole process becomes frustrating. Thus, defeating the purpose of using such tools.
jenniferschubertubc 4:31 pm on October 20, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I created an aura but could not share it with the facebook group. (Now that I’m reading further, I see that I have to be confirmed. I will wait!) It is a bit of a silly one, but it was nice to have a new “toy” to play with. I can see where kids would get a kick out of making simple things in their everyday environments come to life with fun animations.
I am a bit intrigued with the concept of location sharing. It would be neat if Aurasma could become a sort of virtual geocaching of a local area!
melissaayers 9:09 am on October 21, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
This activity was really fun and the aura software/technology was easy to use. I can imagine this would be a great tool to use for student projects. I am sure they would come up with some really creative applications we would not think of.
Outside of education I can also see how this product has great marketing potential for advertising companies.
jenbarker 4:23 pm on October 21, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
This was a fun activity. I created a Coke can aura that made music. I wish there were a way to share your aura on computers and not just smart devices. I could see children loving this activity. You could set up scavenger hunts and such. It reminds me of when we stayed at the Great Wolf Lodge. Kids can purchase wands at the gift shop and then they wander throughout the hotel in search of things they can bring to life with their wands on various levels of quests.