Jenny’s avatar experience

I was quite excited to give Second Life a try after I watched the introductory video on the educational uses of Second Life. I must say though that when I first showed up I did find it cool (flying was fun) but then was quite disappointed. I don’t know if I just had  bad luck but I only seemed to end up where you had to pay for things. At one point I was somewhere where they were asking for $300 for some very risque clothing. I did manage to teleport myself to Manchester School of Business but I didn’t find anything of interest there, just more stuff to buy. I must have somehow missed the educational areas. I would like to explore it more but unfortunately my internet is a bit too slow and my computer a bit too old and neither is keeping up with the program. For example,  I tried changing my clothes but the updates only half worked so now I have half torn sleeves.

I would be extremely cautious of introducing Second Life to students unless there was some sort of educational version and you could limit destinations (there were some interesting chats going on that I don’t think would be appropriate). We have already discussed the concerns with older technology and  I would be surprised if a school had all the requirements in place to make use of this sort of program safely in their school.

Are there educational venture opportunities here? Is the educational potential realistic in a school system?

Posted in: Week 12: