Micro One – Engage with your passion

I have been looking at the elements of online learning delivery through video.
This powerful and engaging delivery system is currently at a stand still in terms of growth.
It is waiting for a game changing platform that will engage larger audiences through a custom delivery delivery system.

Elevator Pitch

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Venture Pitch

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Self evaluation.

As my background is in content generation I traditionally used the popular mediums for delivery. The further I go with my own educational development as well as my teaching I am being increasingly frustrated with these mediums. There is a real need and desire for a more inclusive delivery mechanism with respect to the different goals that an audience is coming from.

A downside to the project is that the production time is increased as there are more elements involved, to counter this the resulting production will be able to appeal and benefit a much greater diversity of audience.

As a platform it will be a stand alone site, the videos will be embedable into 3rd party sites and available through mobile devices. The delivery will become synonymous with being efficient with both content and the learners time, the graphics and the user interface will evoke a visual brand that represents this.

One of the weaknesses that I highlighted is that as technology changes so fast that there would be a fear of content redundancy. This is a problem across the entire educational perspective and is part of a larger discussion. As this technology is based on a modular design of knowledge construction elements can be taken out and updated. This reduces the need for the entire project to be done again when updates are needed.

I am excited about this project both in terms of its development but also in terms of its effect on online education. As I said in the venture pitch – I am being held back by not having it both as an end user and learner but also as a content provider. During initial market research 89% of the people would use this technology and believe it to increase their efficiency with online learning, particularly as the market is evolving so fast.


Thanks for your time


Posted in: Venture Forum