REDUCTO (Instant accent reduction device)
My elevator and venture pitches outline an innovative device that help ESL speakers all over the world reduce their accents without years of practice and training. Although the pitches make it out to be a real enterprise, it is fictional. Before watching my elevator pitch, I would like to make it clear that I’m not singling out Indian people for their accent problem, but because most of the call centers are located in India due to its many advantages, and also India has largest English-speaking population after the USA.
Here is my elevator pitch.

Here is my venture pitch.
Posted in: Venture Forum
Peggy Lawson 4:05 pm on November 27, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Paula –
I thought you did an excellent job with both the elevator and venture pitch. I thought your production values were very good for both, very professional and polished which are important for making that subliminal message of competence. The venture pitch did a very good job I felt of laying out all key points – pain points and the solution, competition, market, future direction, and you did a good job of focusing on the high points (pain point & solution) with your elevator pitch. I can see how, in todays increasingly global market, that there were be plenty of buyers for such a simple solution, but was interested in your growth plans as well. I’d have to say that as an EVA, I would invest!
jkotler 8:03 am on November 28, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
HI Paula,
I have to say I really enjoyed watching your elevator pitch because it not only addressed a real problem (one that I have encountered myself on the phone with others) but it was clear, professional and entertaining.
As for the venture pitch, I felt that you did a great job in illustrating the problem and demonstrating how it will help provide a solution. I think that the market and usability for such a product is high and I would definitely invest in it.
teacherben 8:38 pm on November 28, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I laughed out loud. It’s a hilarious idea but it does in fact address a need. It seems to me though that the target is the companies that employ people with strong accents and not the people themselves. The pitch could have been a bit clearer with its intent. But it was a slick and well-produced little piece. Well done.
Kent Jamieson 10:40 am on November 29, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I can’t add too much to Ben’s comments, as I share his opinions. Targeting companies like telemarketers or any phone based public relations business would really be beneficial in terms of revenue. Granted, your software (as Colin States) would need to be flawless and, like any voice application, would need to work out mis-pronouncing vital words and phrases.
A wonderful idea, and a really professional polished pitch. I’m in, but would need assurances of the software.
Well done!
Colin 10:52 pm on November 28, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I really liked the humor that you put into the elevator pitch and I think a product like this would be very marketable. I am not sure how the software would work as there are so many different kinds of accents and some of them are so strong. Overall though I liked your pitch and product idea and I think it would be worthwhile to invest in as long as the software worked really well.
cunnian 12:01 pm on November 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Very professional looking elevator pitch! You clearly demonstrate how your product works and the advantages that it affords. The humorous clip that you use to introduce the pain point was creative and hooks in potential investors.
You have written a solid venture pitch and make a strong case for this product, which is strengthened by the research that you include. I was impressed by the screenshots of how the program works – very creative! You also clearly articulate your own credibility in this area. One question that I had was whether your target market would want to purchase this product being that they would have to invest in a headset and the software for each operator. This represents a huge overhead and may, at least in part, negate the ‘advantage’ that you refer to of using call centres in India. Some market research would need to be done in order to determine if the call centers would bear the cost of this product in order to refine the language skills of their employees.
On the whole, very well done. It was a pleasure evaluating your venture proposal!
jhodi 7:27 pm on November 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
You have done an excellent job with both the elevator pitch and the venture pitch. I found myself highly engaged by the elevator pitch and wanting to learn more about the product. I thought that your elevator pitch was very professional, included enough of the key information, but did not overwhelm me with too much information so I was able to retain and process what I needed to.
Your venture pitch hit all of the key points. This addresses a legitimate issue for many ESL speakers. This device is clearly differentiated from others on the market and provides an appropriate solution to the problem. You have clearly indicated why your company provides a solid backing for the technology and how you intend to move forward as an innovative technology. As an ‘investor’ I appreciated that you specified how much you would like to have invested, what you were going to do with my investment, and how I would get a return on my investment. Overall, I think that your venture plan and marketability is great! Your product could be launched immediately with high demand and great success. Therefore, I would invest in your venture!
adi 11:45 pm on November 30, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Paula,
Sorry for the late post. I have had sleepless nights completing other assignments. I do apologize and mean no disrespect.
I really enjoyed watching your elevator pitch and feel it was very well made and presented, as was your PDF document. You have a clear idea of your market and were clear with investors. I also feel the interested buyers would invest in something like this because they are losing sales by not doing so.
Great job!
rebeccaharrison 7:55 pm on December 1, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Your presentation is great, although I think that less time could have been spent on the reasons behind your product, as I feel that these are fairly clear. One area that I would be interested in knowing more about would be how will you advertise your product and get it out to the large market that is available. The ask, reasons for the money and return are all clearly laid out which investors would appreciate and I think that you are correct, that there would be a huge market for this. With the money that companies save with outsourcing they could easily purchase this product, particularly as it addresses one of the major complaints that customers using phone services identify. You have clearly done your research and are competent and passionate about the product. This is a great product and I would be willing to invest in it.