Play-Well TEKnologies – London!

Please click on the following links to view my Elevator Pitch and Venture Proposal for the first international extension of US based company Play-Well TEKnologies! (Play-Well TEKnologies is an existing company that currently only has branches within the United States. I am proposing London as a first location for an international branch.)

(Links removed at request of company.)


I have been a Lego Engineering Instructor with Play-Well TEKnologies since December of 2010. Before I enrolled in the MET program, I started looking into the possibility of opening a branch of the company in Vancouver. Unfortunately, I found myself buried under VISA red tape and without assistance as to how to successfully navigate that important issue. I was also working solely off of online research and contacts.

I have now been in England since September, and though I will also have some navigating of the international waters, so to speak, to complete in order to open a branch of our company here, I feel that I have a better grasp on VISA requirements and international business issues here and now. I have also been able to make many contacts here who are not only responsive to my inquisitions but who may very well be in a place to be potential investors. I have also had some contact with people who work with STEMNET, a group whose goal is to make schools and colleges aware of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic learning opportunities for students as well as encouraging businesses and communities to help fund and promote this type of learning within the country.

As a teacher of various programs within the Play-Well TEKnologies curriculum, I have seen firsthand the difference play can make to helping students learn and grasp concepts by working hands on. I have seen very quiet children blossom into social butterflies through teamwork. I have seen students who declare themselves “dumb” or “stupid,” specifically in the fields of math and science, create some of the most amazing working contraptions or intricate architecture. LEGOs bring out the enthusiasm in children, as well as adults, to the point where learning is masked under the disguise of just pure fun.

An international presence would bring the company into a new age. There have already been requests pouring in to the company twitter feed and facebook page, specifically from the UK, asking for our programs. With STEMNET growing a large presence in the UK, it would be a natural partnership. I also feel that the development of an individual, dedicated, secure Play-Well social network would lead to globally shared learning and knowledge. I have been enthusiastic about the program from the start and would love to see it grow and come to include students from all over the world.

Posted in: Venture Forum