Ken Write

Ken Write is a fictitious bluetooth device that allows multiple users to collaborate in real time with a SMART Board from their desk. It offers Multi-touch and multi-user collaboration which promotes inclusion and engagement.

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Here you will find my Venture Pitch:


I must admit that this is one of the assignments that I have struggled with the most during the MET courses. I have no business experience, even though my father and sister are both entrepreneurs. I have a much greater respect for what they do.


When I first saw this assignment I didn’t think it was so bad.  I enjoyed viewing the pitches that we critiqued early on in the semester.  Then it came time to create my own venture…I struggled for a long time thinking of my venture.  Once I decided on my product I was at a loss for where to begin.  I searched out possible options in the area I was thinking of, sought out advise from others, and ran my ideas by anyone that would listen.  The biggest struggle I had was knowing where to begin in my negotiations.  I feel like I have a good concept but was not able to present the argument for it as I would have liked.  I think that the Venture Pitch was not as strong as my elevator pitch.


I think my presentation skills (pitching and producing multi-media work) were a strong point on this assignment.  Where I lacked in practical experience and knowledge of the business world I was able to put a presentation together that I am proud of.

The product idea I created is a good solution to the collaboration limits that are presented when trying to use a SMART board with a large group of people.  There is often only a few engaged and the rest are not participating and many not even following along with the work on the display.


While I struggled with this assignment I am glad to have had the experience.  I have enjoyed hearing about the ideas of others and I look forward to seeing their work.


Posted in: Venture Forum