The Home Stretch!!!
Hi everyone –
Just to say THANK YOU that the Venture Forum is now live with all of your pitches, and you should feel that you`ve now accomplished the lion`s share of your work for the course, so BRAVO!
Via separate email you each should have received your review assignment for this week – the Venture Forum pitches that you will analyse and comment upon. Please let me know immediately if you haven`t received your portfolio for review. Remember to keep your most objective EVA hat on, and have fun!
Posted in: Announcements
Doug Connery 10:17 pm on November 26, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks David for a “random list” of great pitches.The hardest part will be choosing three best to do detailed comments on.
Peggy Lawson 4:11 pm on November 27, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks for the reminder Doug. I do recall reading somewhere our procedure and tasks for reviewing the pitches, but a refresher would be helpful or pointing me in the right direction as to where I saw that information before.
tomwhyte1 4:31 pm on November 27, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Three? I was under the assumption, that the expectation was all?
Doug Connery 5:08 pm on November 27, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Under 4 Launch there is a dcoument that states quick comments for 7 and in-depth for 3. I was refereing to choosing 3 for the in-depth review. Hope this did not cause too much confusion!
tomwhyte1 5:20 pm on November 27, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
See that now… opps… Oh well, I have done a detailed write-up on 9 of the 10… Yours and Peggy’s are part of that…
At least I got a bit more practice… 🙂
Thanks for showing me that.
Have a great night.
Peggy Lawson 9:34 pm on November 27, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Thanks Doug. I knew I had seen it somewhere. In hindsight it seems to be the obvious place for instructions for this venture project, but I’ve never fully been comfortable with the blog format as an LMS