Adaptive Software
As brilliant as most software and apps might seem, they are still severely awareness-disabled, meaning they don’t know and can’t respond to simple user contexts such as who I am, where I am, what grade I’m in, what class this is, what level I’ve achieved, what my learning style is, etc. The objective of Adaptive Software is that discrete levels of context awareness allows it to respond constructively to arising learning situations.
Opportunity Statement
While Artificial Intelligence (AI) remains futuristic, Adaptive Software requires far more basic response capabilities that are possible now. For example, context-awareness is critical for emerging mobile apps. The venture opportunity is for application developers and instructional designers to develop accountability-driven pedagogical models focused on the learning experience.
Prediction Source(s)
Gartner – Contextual User Experience
Posted in: Emerging Markets Poll
jameschen 12:59 am on September 8, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I think this goes hand in hand with personalized learning and augmented reality.
teacherben 8:50 pm on September 9, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I met some folks at an electronics show in Hong Kong last year that make adaptive hardware, such as a mouse pointer that is controlled by the tongue and by sucking air in and out of a tube. Neat stuff. Since many countries have legislation in place and public monies available for the purchase of these technologies, there is a lot of opportunity to make big profits. When your customers are government funded organizations, it seems like you can charge whatever you want.
There was a guy in one of my MET classes last year that was designing ‘switch games’ with his students using flash. the idea behind these games is that you have people who are cognitively normal, but physically challenged. You want to make a game for them that can be played with some sort of simplified input device, but make the game interesting enough to keep them entertained. No simple task.
Ranvir 6:03 pm on September 16, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
This is aligned with the thought that robots/ AI software could replace teachers one day. It is very interesting thought, one that would be really valuable and could provide personalized learning experience based on one’s learning context and skill level. Bold thinking!