ePortfolios for Health Professions
My goal is to develop a professional ePortfolio application by the end of 2013 that can suitably address the competency assessment and professional development needs of medical schools. Please review my elevator pitch and venture pitch and I look forward to your feedback.
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Pat A Son 11:49 am on September 29, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
This founder is certainly a radical one as I consider gamification word that I would not connect to business as a whole. However his customer list and the company he has worked for suggest that he is a seasoned ‘customer’ who knows what he is about with the right combination of skills for success.
lullings 4:09 pm on September 29, 2012 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Yes – I knew that my mom was wrong when she was saying I was wasting my time watching television and playing games. The former as I now work in television and the latter because of your post!
At the moment there seems to be a clear business focus to the strategy. I will have to look into Rajat some more and see if there are any desires or plans to get into education-gamification. To have players like him developing this area would really start to see a strong positive impact in this field I think.
Thanks Ranvir