Shaun Pepper

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  • Shaun Pepper 10:08 am on October 6, 2012
    0 votes

    I like the way the app shown in the video allows the student to interact and engage with the content. This idea of engaging students into the learning by interaction rather than lecture is an interesting one. Any one else have any other apps that try to do this?

    Continue reading Self Motivation in Education- TED Talk Posted in: Blog Café, Week 05:
  • Shaun Pepper 5:39 am on September 30, 2012
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    TED Talks have left an impact on the world. One that has only been growing in the last 10 years, with a digital media push by Chris Anderson, who in 2001 became the curator of the event, after taking over from Richard Saul Wurman one of the original founders.( According to his profile on TED […]

    Continue reading Chris Anderson TED and TEDEd curator Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • visramn 10:19 am on September 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Shaun,

      I really liked how you outlined his path to success into concise points. That made it easy to see how all of those aspects set him up for success in his business venture.
      TED TALKS are definitely well known and in my opinion they have a great impact on people of all ages. This is a great means of sharing important ideas, tools and connects with. Digital learning tools have gained an avenue of exposure through these talks that have helped to educate so many people on what is available out there. Chris’s idea of using pre-existing lessons and bringing them alive in one location that is accessible to educators is great. This opens so many doors for teaching possibilities and can assist in making learning environment so much richer. This sounds like an amazing resource.
      Thank you for sharing Chris’s inspiring journey and the link to the blog he envisioned. I know this will be helpful to me.


    • Peggy Lawson 10:42 am on September 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks Shaun – While I’ve known about TED Videos for a few years (but even at that feel like a late-comer to them), I hadn’t known about TED Ed. I watched the introductory tour and was impressed by how the earlier concept of TED videos was linked to another earlier concept of Flipped Classrooms. This is a great example of how a synthesis of existing products and services can become a valuable enterprise – emergence, as was described in Section 2.8 Entrepreneur Bootcamp.


      • jameschen 12:50 am on October 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I think TED Talks is also a great way for entrepreneurs to get the support of the right people by spreading their ideas to the right audience. And to have a non-profit targeted for this particular purpose is just a brilliant value proposition.


  • Shaun Pepper 3:05 pm on September 16, 2012
    0 votes

    In the article, Top-Ten IT Issues the authors identified 10 Issues as follows: Top-Ten IT Issues, 2011 Funding IT Administrative/ERP/Information Systems Teaching and Learning with Technology Security Mobile Technologies Agility/Adaptability/Responsiveness Governance, Portfolio/Project Management Infrastructure/Cyberinfrastructure Disaster Recovery / Business Continuity Strategic Planning and thanks to my colleague melissaayers the 2012 list: Top-Ten IT Issues, 2012 Updating IT professionals’ […]

    Continue reading Top 10 IT Issues- Opportunity Horizon Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
    • visramn 4:57 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Shaun,

      I agree with you 100 percent. This is so true. Buying a technology and bringing it into a school is useless if no one knows how to use it. I have seen this happen in all the schools I have worked in. Technology is bought because it seems ideal but either the technology is not used at all and it gathers dust or it is used incorrectly because teachers do not have the necessary training or do not know what to use the technology for. Many educators are open to using new technologies but they already have so much on their plates and they do not have the time to learn how to use these technologies to a degree that they can teach with them effectively.
      There is a huge push in the school district I work in for more and more technology to be adopted and courses to be offered. This is great because it opens more doors for kids but it is also extremely costly and can be frustrating for teachers and schools.
      Teacher training is where the investment needs to be made. One thing that the board I am working for has began doing and that I think is a valuable way to assess what technological investments should be made is a loan pool. The school board has purchased some technologies and is allowing schools to borrow sets of the technology to try out with their students. This way students and teachers can be exposed to a new technology and find out if investing in it would be a good idea.

  • Shaun Pepper 12:12 am on September 7, 2012
    0 votes

    Hi, My name is Shaun. I am currently travelling and taking 3 MET courses. This will be my second, third, and fourth courses of the program. I enjoy songwriting, music composition, sports and travel. I will be teaching english in Shanghai starting in October and have previously taught at an Island Pacific School  on Bowen […]

    Continue reading Hello from Europe. Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • sonofpat 5:47 am on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      HI Shaun,

      All I can say is that this is the right place and time for someone like you.
      I look forward to working with you.


    • tomwhyte1 7:46 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Sounds like a busy schedule of learning and traveling (which will most likely expand your understanding of technology and society by viewing it from a more global sense). Can’t wait to reflect on your insights.


    • C. Ranson 2:23 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Shaun,

      You seem to have the right idea, travel & online education is a great combination.


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