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2A: Opportunity Horizon


Expert market predictions are a lot like fast foods – there’s an unaccountable appetite for them relative to their questionable nutritional value.   Given there’s no apparently healthy way to taste the future, are they better than nothing? Each of the reports in the ETEC522 Emerging Market Projections Library (see section 2.1 above) attempts to look at the future through a specific lens, hopefully to provide useful future-planning guidance for a defined audience (not necessarily educators per se).  The purpose of this activity is for you to provide a professional critique of these various crystal balls, specifically for their usefulness and value to those who care about learning technologies.


Selecting one (1) of the reports, review it in sufficient detail to post a concise critical analysis of it in the ETEC522 course blog, focusing on the following general criteria:

  • how, and how much, is it useful and valuable to the the broader community of educators, as well as learning technologies specialists and venturers?
  • do you expect to seek out future versions of this report to help drive your own professional success, and also to recommend it to others in this regard?

Beyond this posting, please review and provide constructive response where appropriate to the critical analyses posted by your classmates.

If you would prefer to offer a critical analysis of a similar report that is not on the ETEC522 list, please consult with one of your instructors.


All critiques and responses should be posted by the end of week 2.  In order for your own critique to be responded to, it would be best to post it a few days ahead of the deadline if possible.

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