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  • manny 7:17 pm on September 26, 2012
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    Tags: , entrepreneurship   

      William (Bill) Hamilton is the president and CEO of TechSmith ventures. Upon first glance, this name probably does not ring a bell but his staff is responsible for producing video capturing software apps such as Screenchomp for the iPad. This App has received rave reviews amongst the learning technologies community and allows students to […]

    Continue reading Introducing William Hamilton…….. Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • jhodi 9:40 pm on September 26, 2012 | Log in to Reply


      You were right! I did not recognize the name at first, but I have used some of the products that he has helped develop! This was particularly interesting for me to read because I find it very interesting the long path that he has taken since 1987. In my lifetime, I look back and think about all of the advances in technology and can only imagine what he has seen, experienced, and learned from.


    • kstackhouse 8:48 am on September 27, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      What an interesting app. I agree that this will be a great tool for education. I am sure that this will help students and teachers create some great learning materials.


  • Jenny Brown 12:26 pm on September 25, 2012
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    Tags: entrepreneurship, female, piazza   

      Pooja Sankar –Founder & CEO of Piazza Piazza’s platform helps classmates share their questions and answers in a format that’s a mixture between a wiki and a forum. Each class gets its own hub for Q&A, and students can bookmark any questions if they’re  also eager to find out the answer. Multiple students can […]

    Continue reading Pooja Sankar – Founder & CEO of Piazza Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • rebecca42 8:22 pm on September 25, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      That’s a great point about personal interest and passion. It’s like that saying about finding a job you love; basically that it will never be work. In addition, we have been learning how important a CEO’s enthusiasm is. A person who loves what they’re doing will be able to relate their passion to others and get them excited by being excited.

    • Pat A Son 7:39 am on September 29, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      From what is placed here she certainly has what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur for she has leveraged the available technology to create a social approach to answering questions at the class level, With the large numbers of educational ventures on the web this is one that stands out to me and one that I can try with my class.

  • Colin 8:52 pm on September 4, 2012
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    Tags: entrepreneurship, surrey   

    Hello, my name is Colin and I am a teacher in Surrey where I teach an Entrepreneurship program to at risk grade 12 students. I was drawn to this course as I am a business teacher and a Bachelor of Commerce graduate so I am interested in anything business related. This will be my third […]

    Continue reading Hello from Surrey Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • kstackhouse 5:45 am on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Welcome Colin,

      I am sure your Business background will be a help to all of us. I have two kids as well, it has been tough juggling working and making time for my kids, while studying. I am on an Ed Leave right now. Hopefully that will help balance things. Your website sounds very engaging. I have begun using Edmodo as our district does not have an LMS other than the Distance Ed courses. They do not offer the social networking functions that other sites offer. Best of luck this term.


      • grzesko 8:50 pm on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Ken, it definitely is hard to manage kids while studying and working. That is what I am doing right now and it is not easy. That is why I can only take 1 course at a time. Good idea on taking an Ed leave and finishing the course it will be nice to finish quickly I am sure.

        all the best,


    • manny 10:11 pm on September 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Colin,
      I also work in the Surrey school district with ‘risk youth’ youth. I was wondering whether you work at a learning centre or within a program at a secondary school. I think your background will be invaluable in this course. It is definitely difficult to balance coursework as priorities such as family come first. I also have a little one running around and quite often find myself to be exhausted by the end of the day, I couldn’t even imagine two. It is good to touch base with someone who works in the same district and I look forward to collaborating with you as we move through this course.
      Bye for now…

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