Moodle Final Reflection

During the 2010-2011 school year, I will use “Moodle” to support, enhance, and compliment my regular face-2-face classroom during the Space Science unit for grade 9 students.

Moodle will be used in the following specific ways:

1) In support of collaboration and community in a safe environment.

• Students will engage in introductory activities to promote classroom community.
• A quiz and wiki will help students explore their misconceptions about “Space”.

By understanding my students’ foundation for Space Science, I will have a better sense of where to focus our discussion topics and how to support groups in developing their projects. Providing group discussion opportunities gives students the chance to modify their own understandings, and dispel any preconceived myths.

2) As a course management system to aggregate information, resources, web sites, and groups through use of a single platform.

3) As a platform for students to discuss ideas and develop details of their projects.

• A venue for effective communication, brainstorming, and the collection of ideas among group members.
• “Learning beyond the classroom walls”: to share and create knowledge rather than simply acquire it.

4) As an integrated venue to build Wenger’s Community of Practice where “people share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” (Wenger, 1998)