Information Policy – Library Course

Information Technology
Collage 2: This library course teaches students to adapt policy relating to information and communication technology issues and helps them recognize how various levels of policy implicate other levels of policy.


Virtual Reality Series: Tornado Types

Transposing a series of drawings into (virtual) reality in Photoshop: instead of trying to replicate the copyrighted image by redrawing it, I chose to create a series of realistic-looking images resembling all types of twisters encountered. To accomplish this I have used paintbrushes, adjusting tools, textures and snippets of landscape shots.

Virtual reality Series: Tornado Lifecycle

Transposing a hand drawing into reality in Photoshop: instead of trying to replicate the copyrighted image by redrawing it, I chose to create a series of realistic looking virtual photographs taken during various stages of a tornado. I’ve used paint brushes and textures for the clouds and the twisters, as well as an old photograph. This is a much safer solution instead of going out there and chasing a twister close by (smile).

Exploring our Food

Feeling hungry staring at this illustration? I bet you are. I’ve got seriously hungry myself while working on it for the UBC Land and Food Systems, as part of the ‘Food, Nutrition, and Health – FNH’ program (Bachelor of Science). Click to enlarge!

Virtual Reality Series: Vertical Zonation – Sea Vegetation

Virtual reality ocean ecosystem created in Photoshop for the UBC Faculty of Earth and Ocean Systems, using real textures, few of my photographs taken from the beach, Photoshop paint brushes, bits and pieces, adjustment tools.

graphic design and illustration, multimedia, corporate photography, infographics, university online course visual content, visual identity, vr, 3d modelling, interior design, design for marketing, 360 vr, augmented reality, logo design, banner design, panoramic photography, and more.

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