
Learning Spaces Design Study (II)

Reshaping the Campus Experience: Learning Environment Design Workshops.
This virtual reality Photoshopped version of the existing Ike Barber Learning Centre IKBLC entrance hallway was one of the the chosen spaces for a high impact ‘theoretical’ re-design. The hans-on sessions were directed by Dr. Peter Jamieson, an internationally recognized expert in Learning Spaces Design.

Learning Spaces Design Study (I)

Reshaping the Campus Experience: Learning Environment Design Workshops. This virtual reality Photoshopped version of the existing Ike Barber Learning Centre IKBLC entrance hallway was one of the the chosen spaces for a high impact ‘theoretical’ re-design. The hans-on sessions were directed by Dr. Peter Jamieson, an internationally recognized expert in Learning Spaces Design.

Meeting Room Uplifting Design

Enhancing existing functionality and repurposing some of the meeting rooms. I have photographed the room on the left, then have cleaned the floor in Photoshop, painted decorated and moved the writing board, etc. The seats are backwards, just for visual purposes. I have extracted a table row from the original image (left).

Kitchen Uplifting Design

The final kitchen uplift interior design project ended up using the blue colour combination, as a result of a pole (see page 9+). This is the first mock-up. I have designed a word cloud, based on the university-wide Teaching Practices Survey: “write one word that describes your experience in the teaching environment at UBC”. I am proud that my selection of photographs is decorating the walls of the kitchen (which is oftentimes used as a learning space / meeting room). I have personally shopped for a cheap set of frames (to keep the project’s cost down) and framed them by hand. All work was done and measured in Photoshop.