Call for Papers : International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)

Dear Colleague,

Hope you are doing well today.

We invite you to submit your papers for International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA); and please feel free to circulate this information among your colleagues and students.

IJACSA publishes carefully refereed research, review and survey papers which offer a significant contribution to the computer science literature, and which are of interest to a wide audience. Coverage extends to all main-stream branches of computer science and related applications. IJACSA is an Open Access Journal and all past issues are available freely at the Archives section.

You may submit your research/review/survey results as per the following schedule:

Volume 5 No 12 December 2014
Paper Submission Due: 01 December 2014
Review Notification: 15 December 2014
Publication Date: 01 January 2015

Journal Overview:
Call For Papers: (Papers can be submitted online or by email.)

All papers published in IJACSA are assigned individual DOI’s. The DOI information for each article is available at the respective webpage of that article. Each published paper also has a dedicated webpage with all information about the paper that is linked to the respective DOI.

All published papers are indexed in various International databases and University Libraries. Some of the indexes include INSPEC, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, EBSCO Host and many more.

Looking forward to your submission(s).

Managing Editor
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA)
The Science and Information (SAI) Organization

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