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UBC Instructor Network

The UBC Educational Leadership Network changed its name from the UBC Instructor Network in October 2017.  You can find a detailed rationale for the name change linked here.

This site will no longer be updated. Please visit

The Instructor Network is a community of Instructors, Senior Instructors, and Professors of Teaching at the University of British Columbia committed to the

  • celebration of educational leadership, innovation and excellence in teaching and learning
  • sharing of information, resources, expertise, and ideas within the university community and beyond
  • support and promotion of the Educational Leadership stream

The following page contains a variety of posts with information on events that the instructor network has put on in the past.

Thanks Dr. Eich!

Special thanks to Dr. Eich and for everyone who came out to the last Instructor Network Lunch’n’Learn. Over 50 people attended — thanks to everyone for joining us for this stimulating session!

Here is a link to Dr. Eich’s summary paper on the cognitive science of learning enhancement. He also has generously agreed to share his slides from his talk. They can be found here: Eich CSLE Powerpoint (20111114).


Angus Reid Survey on UBC faculty’s perceptions of teaching

I didn’t know this happened! Very interesting! 

Explanation taken from the website:

In November and December 2008, UBC commissioned Angus Reid Strategies to conduct a confidential, anonymous survey to help us better understand faculty members’ views and opinions about teaching and learning. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a major research university has conducted a comprehensive survey of its faculty members on this important topic.

The link to the results is here:


We are developing this site as a place for Instructors and Senior Instructors at UBC to connect online. We can share resources and ideas, as well as common concerns we have as UBC faculty members in the teaching stream. Feel free to leave comments with ideas and feedback.