Jen Fischer's Blog

Knowledge Translation

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Knowledge Translation (KT) as “transferring good ideas, research results and skills between universities, other research organizations, business and the wider community to enable innovative new products and serves to be developed.” – Ben Levin, from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)


Knowledge Mobilization

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Moving the theoretical into action and practise. It is a form of dissemination where knowledge is constructed in a accessibly way and shared. Ben Levin, from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) describes Knowledge Mobilization as “getting the right information to the right people in the right format at the right time, so as to influence decision-making. Knowledge Mobilization includes dissemination, knowledge transfer and translation.”


Postcolonial theory

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Postcolonial theory: involves a strategy of critical analysis that focus on the legacies of colonization for Indigenous Population within a society’s historical, social, political, economic, cultural and scientific realms


Epistemological Hybridism

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Epistemological Hybridism: literal translation: being able to think or see the truth in more than one way. Epistemological hybridism takes the actual life-world of the person or group as the core. Truth that needs to be seen as valid just because it is. In my undergraduate education, I was taught to hold strongly to one point of view, understand that point of view, research it and be able to argue it. For example, climate change is real and problematic and here are the facts. The idea of epistemological dualism transcends that…read more



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Hybrid: is a term that has emerged out of postcolonial thinking and basically means that there can be two or more ways of knowing and this can be a harmonious process


Systems Thinking

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Systems thinking:  “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” – John Muir Nothing is in isolation, we are all connected. System thinking allows us to break out of silos. System thinking in a sense is to explain what just is. Capra and Luisi eloquently put it: “The system is more than the sum of its parts.”



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My definition of, Sustainability: It is working towards achieving the three pillars of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Environmental sustainability is aiming to decrease your footprint on the plant. It means using less resources and having a lighter impact on the plant Social Sustainability is working towards equity- that all people have the same access to resources Economic sustainability is about understand the value of items and incorporating externalities into the actual cost. It is about paying people fairly.


Work Samples

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During my masters I worked on two substantial projects. Created a Toolkit about how Vancouverites can access vacant land.                                                                       Click on link to access document: Tool kit 2. Pivoting from research that social entrepreneurship is a salient option for neurodiverse learners. I am                         …read more


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