Reading for Week 9

Hi guys

Here is the reading for this week.  Sorry I am a little behind with the blog.  Please read this for Friday and we will talk about it on Thursday.  I will post a blog topic for this (comics) and then a blog topic and reading for Tuesday the 6th.

Tuesday the 6th is cancelled because I have to fly to NY for a job interview.  I will post an extra blog topic and reading instead and we will have a discussion in class on the following Thursday.  This Thursday I will also make up the groups for the Cracked Listicle Project (Fun!)

Don’t forget to send me your proposals for this Friday.

No Film Link and Blog Post Topic

Hi all

Here is the link to the film.  We watched up until 1:09.  Finish watching it at home and then write a brief blog post on your response to it. Discuss your impressions of the film.  What did you find interesting about it?  Do you think that there was some merit to the criticisms that the film received?  Do you think it overstates the role of advertising in the Plebiscite victory for the No side.

Final Paper Proposals for Friday, March 2nd

Hi Everyone

Your project for Reading Break is to begin to consider topics for your final essays and to come up with a topic and a preliminary sketch of what you would like to do in your final essay.  I am aware that your topic may change in the month before the class ends, however I would like you to start planning now.

For your proposal you need to give me a 1-2 paragraph preliminary sketch of the topic you are interested in as well as 1 primary and 3 secondary sources you will be using.  (please no more than 2 pages for this)

For topics, you can discuss any of the artists, works or movements we looked at in class, from Chile, Argentina and Cuba or a similar movement from another country during the same time period (1970s-1990s).  With the former, you can expand your research to look at other works in the artists oeuvre or movement or how the movement approaches the regimes.  You can also compare multiple artistic movements across countries and how they compare with each other.  I am fairly flexible.  You can use any theoretical approach you like (I don’t delve into intersectionality much in this class, so you are welcome to do a feminist/gender/racial or postcolonial approach if that is what you are interested in).  Or you can even go into the issue of nostalgia and how contemporary popular culture in Latin America approaches the past (Such as the film No).

These should be e-mailed to me in an MSWord or PDF document by March 2nd at 11:59 pm.  My e-mail is


Notes for Week 6, Information and Readings For Week 7

Hi Everyone

Here are the notes on the No Campaign and the film No.



I could not my iTunes copy to play on the projector, so I have ordered a copy from the library for next week. We will watch it on Thursday.  Tuesday’s class is cancelled because I have a legal matter in Victoria to attend to.  I will send out an e-mail on Monday night to remind you.

Here is a link to a very brief reading on the movie No. For next week

Please e-mail your papers to me by midnight tomorrow.

For the blog:  Discuss in the comment section the relationship between politics and advertising during the plebiscite campaign.  Do you think the success of the No side was entirely the product of a well run ad campaign?  What does that tell you about the way Chilean society had changed in the 1980s?

Notes and Music for Week 5 and Important Information for Week 6

Hi Everyone

Here are the lecture notes for this week.

Nueva Cancion

Rock and Punk

Blog Homework:  Discuss in the comment section how both the Nueva canción movement and the Rock/pank movement each, in their own way, reflect Ortiz’s idea of “transculturation”, or if they do.

Songs: Nueva canción



I will provide an English translation of the lyrics as soon as I can.  Here, also is the documentary we looked at.

Notes for Week 4, Readings for Week 5

Hi All

Here are the notes for this week





Here are the different installations by CADA

Here is the page on Zurita’s Purgatorio by Memoria Chilena (I think UBC Library has a copy in translation)


For the blog this week:  In what way do both CADA’s work and the work of the Arpilleristas break down traditional boundaries for what is considered “art”?  In what way is this a reflection of the larger political situation in Chile in the seventies and eighties?

For next week we are going to talk about music in Chile during this time.  Please read the following article

Transcultural Analysis Paper Information

In your transcultural analysis paper you will take an element of Latin American popular culture and do a 3-5 page analysis of its hybrid or transcultural elements (double-spaced).  You are free to choose any form of mass cultural expression including but not limited to folk art and craft, street art installations, graffiti, popular music, film, TV series’, performed literature or public ritual.  These can come from any country or culture in Latin America, including US and Canadian Hispanic groups and should be from the 20th or 21st Century.  In your discussion you should mention what cultural forms the work in question “borrows” and “adapts”, as well as the aesthetic effect of this composition.   You may also include a comment on the political intention or effect of this cultural “borrowing”, with some reference to either Barthes theories on ‘tropes’ as elements that construct hegemonic myths, or Gramsci’s theories on hegemony, resistance and incorporation. (see the Hebdige reading for more on these two).  However this is not obligatory.

Secondary sources aren’t obligatory, however you should refer to the context of the work as well as the theory of transculturation you are using.  (Canclini, Ortiz or Cornejo’s version). Citations can be in any of the “big three” formats (MLA, APA or Chicago) and please be consistent.

This paper is due Friday, February 9th at 11:59 PM via e-mail.  My e-mail address is Please submit the paper either as a PDF or MSWord document and use your first and last name as the filename.


Notes for Week 3, Readings for Week 4.

Hi Everyone

Here are our notes from this week’s lectures:



Here is the text of Roland Barthes’ Mythologies in case anyone is interested.

In the comment section:  Discuss your thoughts on the US’ “Good Neighbor” policy towards Latin America.  In what way was it improvement over Roosevelt’s “Big Stick”, in what way was it more of the same.  Finally, how did it influence Latin America culturally.

Next week we will talk about Chile under Pinochet.  Here are the readings:

Here is a reading on the Chilean Arpillera movement which we will discuss Tuesday.  Sorry, it’s split up into two files.  Please read the prologue and chapter 1 from here.  (not the whole book, unless you really really want to)  Then read chapter 4 from Here

On Thursday we will discuss CADA and the Escena de Avanzada movement in Chile.  Please read this article.  Skip the sections on Ramón Griffero’s Teatro del fin del siglo and Marco Antonio de la Parra’s El deseo de toda ciudadana



Notes for Week 2; Readings for Week 3.

Hi Everyone

Here are copies of the powerpoint notes from  Tuesday and Thursday’s class.  In the comment section of this post, discuss in one or all of this week’s readings something you found interesting, something you agreed with and something you disagreed with.  Please complete this by Tuesday January 16th.



Here is the reading from Canclini in case you’re interested.  The chapter I quoted from is called “Latin American Contradictions”.

The readings for next week include this portion of Ariel Dorfman’s How to Read Donald Duck which we will discuss on Tuesday (Apologies if you read some of this in 100), and apologies for how it looks on the PDF.  UBC’s copy is old and falling apart.


The reading for Thursday is the Introductory Chapter of Hebdige’s Subculture: The Meaning of Style.  Unfortunately there is no way to download the chapter without downloading the whole book.  So here’s the link to the book.  Please read pages 5-23.
