APBI Diversity and Inclusion Focus Groups


Thank you for your prior support in distributing the APBI Diversity and Inclusion Survey across the program, as a follow up to that survey we are now conducting focus groups to allow participants to elaborate on topics and themes in the survey or speak freely to the topic. Once again, I would like to ask for your help in distributing the following survey that allows students to sign up for focus group time slots.

At this time we are hoping to reach undergraduate students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in a related Applied Animal Biology Program. I have attached both the recruitment advertisement as well as the consent cover letter. Please feel welcome to send to any person that this is relevant to.

The survey to sign up for time slots can be accessed here: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2udkzjObKP1i537

Consent Cover Letter – The Diversity Engagement Focus Group

Recruitment Advertisement – Diversity and Inclusion Focus Group

Thank you kindly,



Nadia Xenakis

MSc Student | Animal Welfare Program

The University of British Columbia | Vancouver Campus

(778) 881-7036 | nadiax@mail.ubc.ca

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