Catch the last day of events at Open Access week! Events are held in the Lillooet room in IKBLC.

The final session includes the following presentations in the life sciences:

  • Wash with Care
    Dr. Anne-Marie Nicol, Assistant Professor, UBC School of Population and Public Health
  • Open Science
    Dr. Rosie Redfield, Professor, Zoology
  • Cazypedia
    Dr. Harry Brumer, Professor, Michael Smith Laboratories and Department of Chemistry
  • Transcription Factor Encyclopedia (TFe)
    Dr. Wyeth Wasserman, Professor, Medical Genetics and Dimas Yusuf , 3rd year medical student

Workshop on Current Awareness Tools

Thursday October 27 12:00 – 1:30pm at Woodward Library, Teaching Lab

Save valuable research time! Online research resources offer an array of tools to help you stay current in your field. In this workshop you’ll learn how to set up email alerts and RSS feeds to:

  • be notified when new articles and dissertations are published on your topic
  • receive Table of Contents for the latest issue of your favorite journal
  • find out when new books in your discipline have arrived in the library
  • be notified of funding and upcoming conference opportunities
  • follow news stories and blogs

No matter what your discipline, you’ll leave the session having set up a number of alerts to stay up-to-date with your research interests!

To register, please go to:

How do you manage your research and automatically produce  bibliographies? Learn about RefWorks – citation management software at this noon-hour workshop. We recommend you bring your own laptop to this session.


Tuesday October 25th 12 PM Noon at Woodward Library McKechnie Room (next to Information Desk)

Instructor: Helen Brown

October’s GIS Users Group topic will be History Unmasked with GIS: Politics and agriculture in Victorian Britain presented by Stephen Peplow.  Stephen is a PhD candidate in Land and Food Systems.  His research includes a fascinating use of GIS and spatial analysis to study 19th century Britain.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 25 at 3:00pm in Koerner Library Level 2, Room 216.

All are welcome to attend!

LFS 250 students, join us for this live, ONLINE workshop showing the tools to find the research literature for your LFS 250 assignment and get answers to your library research questions!


Please log-in at least 15 minutes early to make sure your computer set-up & sound is working well. READ ME: How to prepare for an online class

Join us today and learn how to manage your citations and automatically produce formatted bibliographies and in-line citations using RefWorks! We recommend you bring your own laptop to this session.

TODAY (Oct 18th) at Woodward Library teaching lab B25

Instructor: Helen Brown

BIOL 140 students, join us for this live, ONLINE workshop showing the tools to find the research literature for your BIOL 140 assignment and get answers to your library research questions!


Please log-in at least 15 minutes early to make sure your computer set-up & sound is working well.

READ ME: How to prepare for an online class

Highlights of BIOL 200 Workshop posted to course page.

How do you find the best research literature for your BIOL 200 research assignment? Check out this recording of our library workshop targeted at helping you with your assignment:


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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