Recent changes to the OvidSP interface have been causing problems when users export records into Refworks while connected on EZProxy. My colleague in eResources posted this succinct summary of what’s currently happening, and it’s worth sharing here as well. For now, if you’re connecting through EZProxy, it’s easier and more reliable to transfer records into Refworks from another database platform, for e.g. PubMed.

It never fails. Just when you think you’ve got the hang of searching a database, the vendor decides it’s time for a facelift! As you probably know, OvidSP is a search platform that UBC health information seekers rely on regularly, if not daily. And as of August 2nd, there’s a new look:

Many of the changes are cosmetic rather than functional, but there are some nice new features as well, such as the option to export your search history and citations as a Word file, or to organize your projects, saved searches, and eTOCs using MyWorkspace. And for those who were irked by the screen real estate taken up by the “Search Tips” box of the previous OvidSP version, rest assured that it’s now a thing of the past. We’re also waiting for Ovid tech support to implement some tweaks in the display that we hope will make your search experience more intuitive.

For more information about the new look, see the New OvidSP Features and Functionality: Side by Side Screen Comparison handout in OvidSP’s Resource Center.  Watch for instructional sessions in the fall, which will be posted on the library’s Instruction Centre. And of course, if you have detailed questions in the meantime about doing research in OvidSP databases, please contact your subject librarian. We’re always interested in your thoughts on this platform and other library resources.

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