
UBC Library subscribes to hundreds of electronic books from SpringerLink.

Prefer a print copy? Springer now offers a Print on Demand service for UBC faculty, staff and students wanting a personal copy from the library’s collection of Springer ebooks. You can have a black & white softcover copy delivered to your doorstep for $24.95 USD (includes shipping & handling) plus GST & PST.

Browse these collections for ebooks in your discipline

Books that can be delivered in print are indicated by the orange MyCopy logo. Simply click on Add to shopping cart now to begin the ordering process.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact UBC Librarians, Joy Kirchner or Aleteia Greenwood, or the publisher Springer.

We now have over 40 electronic books with information relevant to dentistry. The books range from key resources in clinical disciplines to historical materials from “Early English Books” Online. You can view selected books at:


Or, try our new ebook search page at:


It’s that time of year again. If you’re a first-year pharmacy student working on the Phar 220 term paper, please see the following page for a list of suggested sources you can use:

If you’re still stuck after consulting these sources, please feel free to drop by the Woodward reference or contact Teresa Lee, the pharmacy liaison librarian.

Library workshops begin very soon! Courses are offered on campus,
at C & W, and online with Wimba Classroom. Everyone is welcome.

To register for these and other workshops, please see this link:

January 23 – RefWorks for the Sciences
January 28 – Current Awareness Tools in the Sciences
January 28 – Current Awareness Tools in the Health Sciences
January 30 – RefWorks for the Health Sciences
February 11 – RefWorks for the Natural Sciences (Wimba Live Classroom)
February 20 – RefWorks for the Sciences
February 23 – Current Awareness Tools in the Sciences
February 24 – RefWorks for the Health Sciences
February 24 – PubMed, Ovid, MEDLINE: what’s it all about?

photo by Colin Purrington

It has been 150 years since the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, and 200 years since his birth (February 12). To celebrate, there will be a number of exciting events throughout the year.

Check out the Vancouver Evolution Festival web site for local events, including who’s speaking at the free public lecture series Darwin and You.

If you want to go further afield, the Darwin Day Celebration web site lists events in over 20 countries.

Publishers have also joined in with the following special publications commemorating Darwin.

Happy Birthday Darwin!

We’re pleased to announce that UBC Library now has access to Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.

This database provides up-to-date clinical data on natural medicines, herbal medicines, and dietary supplements used in the western world. Content is compiled by pharmacists and physicians who are part of the Pharmacist’s Letter and Prescriber’s Letter research and editorial staff.

Information about natural, complementary and alternative therapies is also available through a database called Natural Standard.

We invite you to explore both and contact Teresa Lee with any comments or questions. Happy searching!

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

UBC Library





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