


July 2024

Archive for the 'Data collection and analysis (sensors)' Category

Geogebra Institute of Canada

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013

Today is my blog day… I haven’t been posting much for the past three weeks as I have been very busy with teaching my daily Inquiry course for mathematics and physics teachers… and have been extremely busy with it. As the course is coming to an end, I have a little bit more time to […]

Factors Influencing College Science Success

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Recently I attended the Summer Meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers. I love summer meetings and I always come back inspired by what I saw. However, this time there were so many amazing things that I was almost overwhelmed. One of the highlights for me was a Millikan Lecture by Harvard Professor – […]

Video Analysis in Science Teaching: How technology can help us to get students excitied about science

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

When I am asked how technology can affect student science learning and why it has a potential of making a difference, I often think of the questions one can ask and answer today that could have have been asked or answered even 50 years ago. If I were to ask you how a water droplet […]

You Are at the Mercy of Science… Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare in LA

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Tomorrow I will begin my summer course on the use of Educational Technology in Science and Mathematics Teaching. Luckily today, I noticed a post on BCAPT listserve (  The post was about the amazing Hot Wheels Double Loop Success. The scaled up model of the Loop-the-Loop challenge has been built and two very experienced drivers […]

Science is Not Enough – AAAS Panel

Sunday, February 19th, 2012

I have had an amazing opportunity to attend two very exciting conference this February – the American Association of Physics Teachers’ Conference in Ontario, California and the American Association for the Advancement of Science Conference in Vancouver. I put many of my comments about the events on my blog and I do not want […]

Video-Based Motion Analysis Presentation

Friday, May 6th, 2011

As I am preparing to present at the BC AAPT Annual General Meeting in Kelowna, I decided to post my presentation online so I can share it with other physics teachers. I am a big fan of Video-Based Motion Analysis. I use Vernier Logger Pro to do video-based motion analysis. There are other options as […]

Vernier Video Physics for iOS

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

I have been a fan of Vernier Video Analysis for a long time. I have used it in many different contexts (small and large classes, lectures and labs, HS and University physics) and always recommended it for physics teachers. Therefore I was especially happy to find out that right now Vernier created an iPhone app […]

Geiger Counter in Action

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Many years ago, I lived in the Ukraine… In  1986 (April 26) Chernobyl nuclear disaster happened and even though we lived 500 km East from the disaster, we were able to detect increased levels of radiation… I was 16 then and I remember how my grandfather brought Geiger Counter home to show me how it […]

Geiger Counter…

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

I have been planning my last science teaching lesson for tomorrow and decided to use Geiger Counter from Vernier as a model of data collection. it also has a very relevant link to our students today as we all are thinking of the catastrophe in Japan.  Although few people might use it in the elementary […]

Data Collection in Middle School Science

Friday, February 25th, 2011

As I am preparing my Monday science methods lesson for my pre-service elementary teachers, I keep thinking of how to persuade them that computerized data collection and analysis has its place in the elementary science classroom. One of the big issues I have to address is the dire situation with science equipment in our elementary […]

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