


July 2024

Archive for the 'General teaching' Category

Chernobyl 25 Years Later…

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

In Memory of ALL the people who Suffered from the Chernobyl Disaster: you are not forgotten… Today is May 26, 2011. Exactly 25 years ago. the nuclear power station in Chernobyl – a small town only 100+ km away from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, experienced one of the most horrible and tragic nuclear disasters… […]

Teaching Reflections On Being Wrong…

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

I often listen to TED talks. Probably not as often as I would love to, but often enough to enjoy a few amazing minutes listening to the most interesting speakers of our times. Today, I happened to listen to the talk by Kathryn Schulz titled “On Being Wrong”. As I was listening to her, I […]

Getting to know Kenya and Daadab Refugee Camp

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

Kenya was not on my radar till very recently. I knew very little about Africa, especially Central Africa and the little I knew painted some very problematic pictures – AIDS, political uncertainly, genocide, starving people, kids whose parents got killed in wars,  not mentioning Uganda where an operation Entebbe happened on July 4, 1976 (where […]

Vernier Video Physics for iOS

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

I have been a fan of Vernier Video Analysis for a long time. I have used it in many different contexts (small and large classes, lectures and labs, HS and University physics) and always recommended it for physics teachers. Therefore I was especially happy to find out that right now Vernier created an iPhone app […]

International Conference for Women in Physics

Monday, April 11th, 2011

International Conference on Women in Physics has been one of the most interesting and inspirational conferences I have ever attended. More than 250 women and men from more than 60 different countries attended it. As the conference took place in South Africa, there were lots of attendees from Africa, Asia and other places that rarely […]

2011 International Conference For Women in Physics

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

As I wrote earlier, I feel very fortunate to be invited to be part of the Canadian Delegation at the 4h International Conference on Women in Physics organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. I decided to post very brief reports on the conference starting from the day I left Vancouver. I […]

50th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s Flight…

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

On April 12th, 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first cosmonaut (or astronaut if you grew up in the West) to orbit the Earth. This event will be celebrated all over the world and I will make a few posts about it as well. However, for now, I would like to post a short animation related […]

Magic Beads Once Again

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

I kept thinking about the beads and I thought that it is a new nice way to show how refraction happens… And then I thought about rainbows … This is another possibility… Ok, I have to switch to another subject. Luckily nobody is probably reading it anyways 🙂

A Physics Lab in Stevenston-London High school in Richmond

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Yesterday I had an opportunity to visit a high school in Richmond: Steveston-London Secondary School. I was invited by a physics teachers in that school (Mr. S. Clements) to see his physics lab. It is a school break now, the school is empty. What an amazing experience. I had no idea that a public high […]

How Superabsorbent Polymer Crystals Work

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

As I kept thinking about the water crystal pearls, I realized that I am ready to the next step – to try and understand how these superabsorbent polymers work. My first stop for information was an article in  Wikipedia (thanks to the people who wrote it!). Here is what I found there: Superabsorbent polymers (SAP) […]

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