


July 2024

Archive for the 'Outreach' Category

Khan Academy: A Technological Revolution of 21st century

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

I have been thinking where technology has made the biggest difference in education. I do not need to think long to answer this question. In my view, one of the best examples is the Khan Academy. You have to check it out – it is an amazing collection of short mini-lessons on various topics – […]

Otto von Guericke Would Have Been Proud

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

I visited a local elementary school today and we were able to recreate “an original air pressure experiment” performed by Otto von Guericke in Magdeburg in 1650. We used Pressure Pullers from Educational Innovations. It is interesting, how quickly the tools people invent open possibilities for exploration. Von Guericke invented an air pump and he […]

Amazing Fog

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

This is the view from the Skyride entrance on Grouse. I just loved it. I see cool science anywhere I go. This photo is also interesting as it combines cool science and art. Interestingly, one of the course assignments in my elementary science methods class is to notice something interesting science related and post a […]

The Powers of Ten

Sunday, January 30th, 2011

As I have been preparing my next lesson for my pre-service elementary teachers, I decided to focus on the Powers of Ten. Every science educator has his or her favourite topic or resource. For me, the original 1977 movie by Charles and Ray Eames is The resource. There are many modern versions of the movie, […]

AAPT Winter Meeting 2011 – Why Professional Development Matters!

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

I am an active member of the American Association of Physics Teachers and I try to attend two AAPT meetings yearly. The 2011 AAPT Winter Meeting took place in Jacksonville, Florida from January 8-12, 2011 and I was very fortunate to attend it. I would like to share a few things that I will remember […]

Science Education Encore

Monday, January 10th, 2011

Today I had a chance to attend a very interesting and inspiring presentation by Dr. Jim Rutherford, who today was awarded an Oersted Medal by the American Association of Physics Teaching. This presentation was such a powerful experience for me. Dr. Rutherford is an example of a science educator who made a real difference in […]

Science and Music: Jamey Turner

Sunday, January 9th, 2011

January is a month when hundreds of physics educators from all over the world meet at the Winter American Association of Physicists Meeting. This year’s meeting takes place in Jacksonville, Florida during January 8-12. While there are many exciting events happening during the meeting one drew my attention more than others. A musician (a glass […]

Why do we have too few women leaders?

Thursday, January 6th, 2011

This is an amazing TED’s talk. I strongly recommend it to all people who care about education. Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, Mrs. Sheryl Sandberg talks about why women are underachieving despite all the efforts that had been done in the last decades.  This is true “anywhere in the world” in “any field” and this […]

Holiday Season Thoughts…

Friday, December 24th, 2010

As the holiday season is fast approaching and I have the luxury of time to read my favourite books, watch  my favourite movies and meet my favourite friends and family, I realize how fortunate I am being surrounded by my family and friends while doing what I like most – teaching science at UBC, doing […]

Scientists and Innovators in the Schools

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

I have been visiting elementary and secondary schools for the past six years. During this time I gave more than 20 presentations and science demonstrations shows and met with almost 2000 students! This volunteering opportunity came up through an amazing organization: Scientists and Innovators in the Schools (SIS). Scientists & Innovators in the Schools (SIS) […]

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