


June 2024

Archive for the 'Overcoming technology barriers' Category

You Are at the Mercy of Science… Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare in LA

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Tomorrow I will begin my summer course on the use of Educational Technology in Science and Mathematics Teaching. Luckily today, I noticed a post on BCAPT listserve (  The post was about the amazing Hot Wheels Double Loop Success. The scaled up model of the Loop-the-Loop challenge has been built and two very experienced drivers […]

Supporting Active Learning and Technological Innovation in Science Education

Friday, June 29th, 2012

I recently became aware of a new Canadian resource for science educators that merges technology, science education and active learning: site comes from Quebec and I personally know the people involved in its development. I hope to have an opportunity to collaborate with them. The site addresses a lot of the issues I am […]

Clickers in K-12 Classroom: The Globe and Mail…

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

I have been extremely busy in the last few months. It felt as if we had conference after conference, teaching, workshops and presentations, as well as trying to do research and write grant applications… I hope I will have time to reflect, slow down a little bit now and pulling my life back together. Recently, […]

3T: Toastmasters, Technology and Teaching

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

As the term is coming to an end, I have some time to reflect on different things that I have been thinking about recently. One of them is the use of electronic response systems (clickers) in elementary classrooms. I have been teaching a science methods course this term and I used clickers and I kept […]

New Collection of Science Education Resources

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

I just started a collection of resources on science education: I used a new tool called “Scoop.It’ – check it out. I hope this will be a useful resource. I haven’t been posting much recently as I also maintained web site for our BC Section of AAPT. I hope to hear your feedback […]

Results of the First Google Global Science Fiar

Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Google First Global Science Fair Prizes have been announced and the winners are… click here to find out. I am very proud to report that many of the top winners are girls. I happened to look through their projects (published online) and was amazed at their level. North American students dominated the list of the […]

Teaching a Grad Summer Course on Technology Use in Science & Mathematics

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

I have a very interesting opportunity to teach a summer graduate course on the use of educational technologies in science and mathematics teaching and learning. First of all it is a graduate course. It means that all of the students have been teaching science, mathematics or other disciplines in the past and they have knowledge […]

Video-Based Motion Analysis Presentation

Friday, May 6th, 2011

As I am preparing to present at the BC AAPT Annual General Meeting in Kelowna, I decided to post my presentation online so I can share it with other physics teachers. I am a big fan of Video-Based Motion Analysis. I use Vernier Logger Pro to do video-based motion analysis. There are other options as […]

Vernier Video Physics for iOS

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

I have been a fan of Vernier Video Analysis for a long time. I have used it in many different contexts (small and large classes, lectures and labs, HS and University physics) and always recommended it for physics teachers. Therefore I was especially happy to find out that right now Vernier created an iPhone app […]

2011 International Conference For Women in Physics

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

As I wrote earlier, I feel very fortunate to be invited to be part of the Canadian Delegation at the 4h International Conference on Women in Physics organized by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. I decided to post very brief reports on the conference starting from the day I left Vancouver. I […]

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