


July 2024

Archive for the 'Teacher Education' Category

Eli Pariser: Beware online “filter bubbles” – an important TED talk to Educators

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

A few days ago I inadvertently allowed Google to install GooglePlus on my Galaxy tablet. As the installation has been completed, I realized that Google started forcing me to see the news and the links that it believed were important for me. This became an annoyance, as I didn’t noticing any of it before. However, […]

You Are at the Mercy of Science… Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare in LA

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Tomorrow I will begin my summer course on the use of Educational Technology in Science and Mathematics Teaching. Luckily today, I noticed a post on BCAPT listserve (  The post was about the amazing Hot Wheels Double Loop Success. The scaled up model of the Loop-the-Loop challenge has been built and two very experienced drivers […]

Supporting Active Learning and Technological Innovation in Science Education

Friday, June 29th, 2012

I recently became aware of a new Canadian resource for science educators that merges technology, science education and active learning: site comes from Quebec and I personally know the people involved in its development. I hope to have an opportunity to collaborate with them. The site addresses a lot of the issues I am […]

The Scale of the Universe

Friday, June 29th, 2012

As I am getting ready to teach my summer course, I keep looking for resources. It is a fabulous website. I love the idea of scale and how technology can help us visualize it more interactively. As soon as I think of it, the famous movie by Charles and Ray Eams (a husband and a […]

Lee Shulman and the Importance of Content Knowledge

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

It is hard to find a person who has made a more significant contribution to education than Prof. Emeritus from Stanford – Dr. Lee S. Shulman. I have never had a chance to meet Prof. Shulman in person, yet his name popped up so often in discussions on teaching, that I felt as if I […]

A History of Ideas in Science Education

Thursday, June 28th, 2012

As I am preparing for teaching my summer course EDCP 585A_2012 Milner-Bolotin_June 28_2012 – Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning through Technologies, I have a chance to rethink how technology has changed (or has not changed) how we learn mathematics and science. To help me rethink it, I decided to look at the history of […]

Clickers in K-12 Classroom: The Globe and Mail…

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

I have been extremely busy in the last few months. It felt as if we had conference after conference, teaching, workshops and presentations, as well as trying to do research and write grant applications… I hope I will have time to reflect, slow down a little bit now and pulling my life back together. Recently, […]

Recent Science Education Talk by Carl Weiman

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

I think the presentation of Dr. Carl Weiman will be of interest to anybody who cares about science education. Even though Carl Weiman is focused on science education in the United States, his talk has clear implications to all of us. See:

On the Neutron Trail – Positioning Change and Global Nuclear Disarmament

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

A friend of mine, Olivia Fermi, will be giving a talk about the Neutron Trail project she has been working on for a number of years now. Olivia is a great public speaker and I would strongly recommend you attend this very special event. It will take place on January 19th at Instituto Italiano di […]

NSTA Meeting: Ken Miller and Evolution

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I have had an opportunity to attend a regional NSTA conference in Seattle Washington. There have been lots of amazing speakers there and as I am not a member of an organizing committee there I had a chance to relax and enjoy the conference. I happened to attend a number of amazing events. One of […]

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