Rehabilitation Science Graduates Poised for Challenges Ahead

On November 26, 2009 over 65 people gathered at the Medical Student Alumni Centre in Vancouver to congratulate recent graduates in the Rehabilitation Science Graduate Programs. Ben Mortensen and Sharon Smith received their Doctor of Philosophy; Jenny Garden, Marylyn Horsman and Helia Sillem received their Master in Science; and Kathy Davidson, Karen Hurtubise, Kathy Hatchard, Twila Mills, Darlene Russell, and Ellie Wray received their Master of Rehabilitation Science.

From left to right: Marylyn Horsman, Ben Mortensen, Sharon Smith, Jenny Garden and Lyn Jongbloed. Missing: Helia Sillem

From left to right: Marylyn Horsman, Ben Mortensen, Sharon Smith, Jenny Garden and Lyn Jongbloed. Missing: Helia Sillem

Susan Stanton, Coordinator of the Rehabilitation Science Online Programs was the master of ceremonies for the evening and introduced Dr. Tal Jarus who congratulated the graduates on behalf of the Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy (OS&OT) Department. She warmly reminded them that they weren’t to just hang their degree on the wall and rest. Rather, with their new knowledge and skills, they now had more responsibility. “With a new lense to see the world, you must think critically — ask lots of questions and encourage others to do so as well.”

Dr. Susan Harris congratulated the graduates on behalf of Dr. Jane Garland of the Department of Physical Therapy and highlighted the history of the graduate programs. Since 1993 when the Master of Science program started, the two departments have grown from 120 undergraduate students to 335 graduate students, with the PhD program starting in 2003 and the online Master of Rehabilitation Science program in 2005. Susan has watched the Rehabilitation Science Graduate Programs become enriched due to their interprofessional focus. She explained that learners come from a variety of backgrounds including people living with disability and their supervisors as well.

The present chair of the Rehabilitation Science Research Graduate Programs Dr. Lyn Jongbloed described the event as one which celebrates change and the arrival of new times for the graduates, as they celebrate their achievements and the culmination of academic journeys. She introduced the graduates who had an opportunity to thank their supervisors, many of who were able to attend the event, their families and colleagues. They also chose to say a few words about their journeys. There were common themes of personal growth and a desire to make significant changes to their practice community.

Online Graduates Complete the Evening
Karen Hurtubise delivered the joint valedictorian speech prepared collaboratively and of course, online. Listen to the speech.

She described the gift of comradeship that emerged between the learners, the professors and the advisors, despite the online nature of their communication. “Unique challenges of building a relationship which relies solely on the written word. Despite initially longing to hear voices and see faces, we did establish wonderful relationships with our classmates and instructors. In fact, today, although many of us had not met face-to-face, we greeted each other as long lost friends.”

From left to right: Kathy Davidson, Karen Hurtubise, Ellie Wray, Kathy Hatchard, Sue Stanton and Twila Mills. Missing: Darlene Russell

From left to right: Kathy Davidson, Karen Hurtubise, Ellie Wray, Kathy Hatchard, Sue Stanton and Twila Mills. Missing: Darlene Russell

The graduates were explicit in describing the ways in which they had grown while in the program. “We have become analysts and consumers of, and contributors to, the evidence that supports our practice… We have evolved into knowledge translators, skillful advocators, effective educators and evaluators, innovators, visionaries and leaders.”

Recognition and warm thanks were extended to their research supervisors, employers, agency sponsors, instructors and program staff who supported their research projects and academic journeys. “Thank you for believing in us and our ideas and commitment to bettering the services we deliver.”

Read the MRSc graduates’ research abstract on our program website.

Grad Reception to Recognize November 2009 Grads

Thursday, November 26 marks the day we honour our November 2009 Master of Rehabilitation Science graduates. If you did not receive your invitation and would like to attend please email by November 13.

The graduates and their research topics are:

Kathy Davidson: Early Intervention Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists in British Columbia: What is a Manageable Caseload Size?

Kathy Hatchard: Self-Directing Return to Mainstream Work Following Acute Mental Illness: Educational Needs and Strategies

Karen Hurbutise: Parents’ Experiences in Role Negotiation in the Family Centred Model of the Infant Services Program at the Alberta Children’s Hospital

Twila Mills: Implementing Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) [Phase I]: Exploring Experiences of Community Therapists in Implementing GAS and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in a Mental Health Day Program.

Darlene Russell: Patients’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Performance-Based Occupational Therapy Programs

Ellie Wray: Cultural Competence in Occupational Therapists Working in Early Intervention Therapy Programs

These graduates facilitated enriching online discussions of their completed major project research in September. It was exciting to participate in these presentations with these fall graduates, their research supervisors and agency sponsors. Whether they were talking about the influence of their workplace research on their practice, sharing ideas from their research participants, or exploring data analysis and research design pros and cons, their online discussions were full of enthusiasm for research, their experiences and the many ideas for future research that emerged. Collaborative, supportive and engaged were all fitting descriptors!

Full abstracts of this research will be posted by the end of November in our growing ‘abstracts’ library on the program website.

We are currently conducting a study to evaluate the effectiveness the current model of providing distance supervision for the major projects and develop a confidential approach for obtaining learners’, supervisors’ and sponsors’ feedback on their major project experience.


Rehab Science Online Studies Start September 8

This Fall we are welcoming 23 new learners to our program; 7 are entering the UBC Master of Rehabilitation Science program; 8 are entering the McMaster Master of Science program, and 8 into the Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation.  As well, 4 of our former Graduate Certificate learners have transferred into the master’s programs. These learners bring a broad range of knowledge and experience to the program, enriching the inter-professional discussions and course work. In this new group we have people with backgrounds in chiropractics, health promotion, physical education, early behavioural intervention, nursing, occupational therapy and physical therapy. They join those of similar background and others who work in dietetics, kinesiology and massage therapy. The common link is an interest in health and rehabilitation, and pursuing graduate work to improve their practices.

We are also pleased to announce our new instructors. Click on their names to link to more information on our program website.


Bonnie Baxter is a speech-language pathologist with a passion for helping fellow clinicians discover practical ways to participate in the research community, believing it will help enrich their work satisfaction and clinical effectiveness. She will be teaching RHSC 501/ RS 705 Evaluating Sources of Evidence.

duran_j1Leslie Duran is an occupational therapist who completed her graduate studies at Colorado State University in 1995. She has worked with older adults in residential care, transitional care, and academia. Leslie also has extensive experience teaching across North America and world-wide.  She is passionate about teaching and excited about facilitating learning online in the RHSC 583 Applying Research to Practice – Rehabilitation and the Elderly.

jennyyoung_smJenny Young obtained her Masters in Bioethics from the Medical College of Wisconsin (primarily online) in 2004. Her thesis was about choosing death in rehabilitation, inspired by two individuals at GF Strong who made this choice. She has worked part time as an ethicist for Vancouver Coastal Health since 2006, doing case consultations, education and presentations, and policy review. Jenny will be teaching RHSC 583 Applying Research to Practice – Ethics in Practice, starting in February 2010.

MRSc Night Out July 2009

A warm breeze, beautiful sunset, good food and stimulating company – who could ask for anything more? Colette Widmer Leu (from Switzerland) was coming to Vancouver and because she was not able to make her graduation a few of us arranged to have dinner at the Watermark Restaurant on Kits Beach in Vancouver on July 16. There was a little chat about the master’s program – Astrid St. Pierre is waiting to hear about which issue her paper will be published in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing – Sue Stanton believes with approximately 25 new learners starting this Fall, the combined programs will grow to 120 active learners — Since graduating Nancy Wellwood had a fantastic trip to the Ukraine which she strongly recommends. Everyone agreed that we should make these dinners more regular so watch this blog for future dates. And… feel free to post!

Colette, Sue and Nancy

Colette, Sue and Nancy


MRSc May 2009 Valedictorian Speech

Nancy Wellwood delivers message from November 2008 and May 2009 MRSc Grads

Nancy Wellwood delivers message from November 2008 and May 2009 MRSc Grads

In November 2007, our first graduates delivered a joint valedictorian speech which has now become a tradition in the Master of Rehabilitation Science program. At this year’s graduate reception, Nancy Wellwood spoke on behalf of both the Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 graduates. Their speech follows:

I’m privileged to be given this opportunity to say a few words on behalf of the MRSc graduates recognized here this evening. The graduates, Astrid St. Pierre, Alyssa Barrie, Deirdre Thornton, Colette Widmer Leu and myself held a little online collaboration of our own in anticipation of this evening, so what you are about to hear represents all of our heartfelt wishes and thanks to those who have supported us in our studies.

Before proceeding further the graduates have asked that I share with you a few words about our program, and the transformational ‘ah ha’ moments it has afforded us all. An ‘ah ha’ moment is defined as a brilliant jewel of an idea or insight or a moment of clarity so inspiring and mind altering that it makes the individual having this moment say ‘ah ha!’ Our program has transformed each of us with the following ‘ah ha’ moments:

Ah ha moment #1: I can understand this research paper, I can appraise the level of evidence and I can distill relevant messages and apply them to the current context of practice!

Ah ha moment #2: It is vitally important to include peers into a project as a means of enhancing acceptance!

Ah ha moment #3: I can navigate WebCT! I can contribute to and benefit from the virtual learning environment which brings a diversity of learners together from different geographical areas, disciplines, and areas of practice. This adds richness to many online discussions and generates many more ‘ah ha’ moments.

Ah ha moment #4: Research can be a complicated process, fraught with more loose ends than could ever be imagined! It takes perseverance to discern step-by-step each stage of the process and wrap- up these loose ends to achieve a comprehensive result.

Ah ha moment #5: A cautionary note for prospective graduate students, beware; that which you choose to study with the intent to change for the better will end up changing you for the better and in so many ways you never though possible.

On behalf of the MRSc graduates I’d like to thank each of our respective faculty advisors for their tireless dedication to our learning and academic development

Christine Carpenter
Liisa Holsti
Patricia Mortenson
Cheryl Beach
Sue Stanton

You have each served us as valuable examples, mentors, and coaches with wise sage advice that we will take with us where ever we go and apply in all that we do. Thank-you.

We would also like to thank each and every one of our respective employers, agency sponsors, managers, and professional practice leaders who have supported our research projects. Your dedication and commitment to us and to the people we serve is the inspiration for us to strive for better practices that change lives. Thank-you.

Finally, thank you to our families for supporting us and picking up the pieces at home while we endeavored to complete coursework, assignments and projects. Were it not for you all we could not have arrived at this day; in many ways, this is your graduation too. Thank-you.

To read more about our Fall 2008 and 2009 graduates, and the abstracts of their research projects visit our main program website

Spring 2009 Joint Grad Reception

This year’s graduate celebration was held on May 19, 2009 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club and recognized Master of Rehabilitation Science graduates as well as those graduating from the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy programs. Program heads, thesis and project supervisors, and faculty, joined colleagues, friends and family to honour the Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 graduates.

Jocelyn Harris and Dana Anaby are the first Doctors of Philosophy from the graduate program. Amelia Payne, Amira Tawashy, Christina Ekegren graduated from the Master of Science program.

Master of Rehabilitation Graduates included Nancy Wellwood and Colette Widmer Leu from the Spring 2009 class, and Aylssa Barrie, Deirdre Thornton and Astrid St. Pierre from the Winter 2008 class.

From l-r: Astrid St. Pierre, MRSc Grad November 2008, Nancy Wellwood, MRSc Grad May 2009 and Sue Stanton, UBC Rehabilitation Science Online Programs Coordinator

From l-r: Astrid St. Pierre, MRSc Grad November 2008, Nancy Wellwood, MRSc Grad May 2009 and Sue Stanton, UBC Rehabilitation Science Online Programs Coordinator

L-r: MSc Grad Amelia Payne, PhD Grad Jocelyn Taylor, MSc Grad Amira Tawashy, and Dr. Lyn Jongbloed, Coordinator of the UBC Research Graduate Programs in Rehabilitation Science

L-r: MSc Grad Amelia Payne, PhD Grad Jocelyn Harris, MSc Grad Amira Tawashy, and Dr. Lyn Jongbloed, Coordinator of the UBC Research Graduate Programs in Rehabilitation Science