Talking of "the Self" in Education and Ed. Psych – AERA 2013

I gave this presentation (audio recorded separately) to a packed room at AERA in San Francisco. The panel session was titled “Dewey and the Mind: Exploring Psychological and Neurological Implications of Dewey’s Work”

 Over the past century or more, the language associated with education and pedagogy has changed considerably. I sketch out an overview of these changes, focusing on the field of educational psychology, and beginning with the work of Dewey on the one hand, and Behaviourism on the other. I include the vocabulary of the ‘Learning Sciences’ which sees itself as being centrally informed by the neurosciences. I focus on the notion of ‘the self’ in educational psychology. The term Bildung is central to this psychology, particularly as it is articulated in Dewey’s early textbook titled simply “psychology.” Bildung has been variously translated as edification, formation or growth.

[slideshare id=20215782&doc=bildungeducationallanguage1-130429185659-phpapp01]

The presentation covers Dewey, Thorndike, Bandura and Klaus Mollenhauer. You can download the text of this presentation here:

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