Author Archives: friesenn

The (Dys)functionality of the User Interface

The [Dys]functionality of the User Interface [slideshare id=9577669&doc=doingwithiconsmakessymbols-111006112620-phpapp01] View another webinar from Norm Friesen A recording of a presentation I recently gave at the annual meeting of the (German) Soceity for Media Studies in Potsdam, Germany. The theme of the … Continue reading

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Jesus, Computers and Communication

Many important characteristics and tensions in computational and other conceptions of communication find remarkable resonance in the words of the Jewish carpenter from Galilee. For example, Claude Shannon, the inventor of information theory and a proponent of digital computation (i.e. … Continue reading

Posted in History, Media Theory, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace

All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace from Norm Friesen on Vimeo. “All Watched over by Machines of Loving Grace” is the title of a 1967 poem by Richard Brautigan. Among other things, it is a rich record of what new … Continue reading

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The Lecture as a Trans-Medial Pedagogical Form, continued…

This paper, posted earlier as a slidecast, recently appeared in AERA’s Educational Researcher. I’ve posted a formatted version with graphics improved (compared to the published version). I’ve also posted, on the left, images and a table that link to full-fledged documents: … Continue reading

Posted in History, Lecture, Media Theory, Writing | Leave a comment

The E-Textbook: An idea whose time has not quite arrived

Just posted a short report on the E-Textbook in higher education. I look at a number of studies of recent e-textbook implementation, and conclude that adoption is a few years out –but that changes in price, functionality or student priorities … Continue reading

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Facebook and the Gothic Body -Presentation at MIT7

Resistance in the ‘Face’ of Relentless Conviviality [slideshare id=7983088&doc=mitconferencepresentation-a-110516112703-phpapp02] View more webinars from Norm Friesen I recently gave this presentation with Shannon Lowe, postdoctoral fellow at my New Media Studies Research Cente. Here’s the draft presentation text from the conference … Continue reading

Posted in Media Theory, Writing | Leave a comment

Videos from the Digital Future of Higher Ed (Feb, 2011)

The one-day “Digital Future of Higher Education” took place at Thompson Rivers University in February 2011. It proved to be a stimulating and controversial event (as planned!): The event was attended by over 450 participants (140 in person and 310 … Continue reading

Posted in Open Ed, Presentation | Leave a comment

The Lecture as a Trans-Medial Pedagogical Form

The lecture as a trans medial pedagogical form [slideshare id=6827539&doc=thelectureasatrans-medialpedagogicalform-110205234907-phpapp02] View more webinars from Norm Friesen A presentation given in Kamloops, Barcelona, Magdeburg and elsewhere, with the full text soon to be appearing in AERA’s Educational Researcher. Please download the draft … Continue reading

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“We are not our Brains:” Alva Noe & Brain-based Education

Even though the 90’s was said to be the decade of the brain, education still seems to be fascinated with this wrinkled grey organ. Neurological descriptions, explanations and instructional strategies seem to be everywhere these days. But there are significant … Continue reading

Posted in The Self | Leave a comment

Education has always been Posthuman

Mechanics of the Brain 1926 from Norm Friesen on Vimeo. Education has always been Posthuman The question of the “posthuman” has recently been gaining currency in discussions of educational philosophy and theory. It refers to the suspension of the “human” … Continue reading

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