This is an archive of the 2006 Peru Election blog that was maintained by Max Cameron and collaborators (information about authors here), originally hosted at http://weblogs.elearning.ubc.ca/peru
To find individual articles, you might try searching using the box on the sidebar.
Note: we migrated 1,658 entries to this site. Many images are missing from the original site, and there may be other issues. Please contact Brian Lamb (brian|DOT|lamb|AT|ubc|DOT|ca) if you think an article is missing, or if you encounter serious problems.
Thanks and acknowledgments here.
Below are some featured posts that have been cited in publications:
- Álvarez Rodrich y Tafur (2005) – Segunda vuelta será entre Flores Nano y Humala
- Source: Agenciaperu.com (16 de octubre 2005)
- Bazo, Jorge (6/2/2006) – Ollanta Humala:Beginning of the End?
- Bazo, Fabiola (24/10/2005) – Is Ollanta Humala an Option?
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (8/1/2006) – Judicial Reform is Dead
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (10/1/2006) – The Illusion of Legislative Renewal
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (14/1/2006) – The ‘No Legislative Re-Election’ Bandwagon
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (20/1/2006) – Humala Denounces Plot to Assassinate Secretary General of UPP
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (21/1/2006) – Lourdes Flores on the Campaign Trail
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (9/2/2006) – Lourdes Flores’ Up-Close and ‘Hyper-Personal’ Campaign
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (12/2/2006) – Preliminary Thoughts on the apoyo Poll
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (19/2/2006) – Ollanta Humala’s Electoral and Legal Defense Strategy
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (23/2/2006) – Ollanta Humala Demands and Apology from Cecilia Valenzuela
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (23/2/2006) – apra’s day of Fraternity
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (7/3/2006) – Runoff Between Ollanta Humala and García?
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (28/3/2006) – On Martín Tanaka’s Analysis of the Prospects for a Second Round
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (21/4/2006) – Peru’s New Cleavage: North versus South
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (29/4/2006) – Hugo Chávez, Alan García, and the Ghost of Simón Bolívar
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (21/5/2006) – The Presidential Debate: Humala Stands up to García, but Scores no Decisive Victory
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (1/6/2006) – The Impact of the Second Round Campaign
- Cameron, Maxwell A. (21/6/2006) – A false and damaging dichotomy
- Source: Comment is free, The Guardian
- Cameron, Maxwell A. y Fabiola Bazo (15/11/2005) – Ollanta Humala Gains Momentum
- Corte, María Lilibeth da (2006) – Chávez retirará embajador si gana Alan García: El mandatario advirtió que ‘no vamos a tener relaciones conun ¡ladrón!, ¡truhán! y ¡tahúr!’
- Source: El Universal (Caracas) (29/4/2006)
- Lauer, Mirko (2005) – Ojo, contiene ingredientes conservadores
- Source: La República (15/11/2005)
- Miranda, Oscar (2005) – Lourdes Flores se despunta con 30% de apoyo popular
- Source: Peru21.com (17/11/2005)
- Patriau, Enrique et al. (2006) – Alan García propone a Humala sostener debate descentralizado
- Tapia, Carlos (2005) – Ollanta y el ‘neovelasquismo’ electoral
- Source: La República (14/11/2005)