Issue 1: What is Equity?


The inaugural issue of RESPECT invited the UBC student community to share creative representation of the concept of equity: What does it mean to you? What have you read about equitable practices? Share a lived experience, your research, tell us an inspiring story, a photo-narrative, paint us your voice – artistic demonstration or audio-visual content. Lead the path forward.

The first issue of the magazine is now available for your reading pleasure. Diverse ways in which equity can be defined and part of our academic lives are represented in the following contributions.

The magazine hopes to continue this conversation with Issue 2. Read Call for Submissions.


Equity as Hospitable Encounter by Brianne Christensen

Excerpt: “Equity, which signals to me a striving for hospitable encounters, encourages reflection of how to take responsibility for our role as individuals in interconnected and interdependent communities.”

Equity on Campus by Lakshay Karnwal

Excerpt: “To me, equity on campus means giving equal opportunities to students to explore their academic and non-academic interests.” 


#NOTMOVINGAMUSSEL: Educational Campaign Project by Kaia Nitchie

Environmental Equity and the Power of Inclusion

Excerpt: “Environmental equity is the idea that all groups and communities are to be given equal opportunity regarding help with the effects of environmental disasters and pollution. One group or community should not be privileged over another, and as such environmental equity requires fair treatment and meaningful involvement with decisions that impact the environment these groups and communities are reliant on.”

More Water by Manjinder Sidhu

Excerpt: “Equity is definitely one of those slippery questions for me that I feel I’ll be chasing for a long time. As a brown queer woman and daughter of immigrants, I learned pretty quick that my position at the starting line was never going to be the same as my peers.”

Representing Nature in an Illustrated Khamseh of Nezami Manuscript by Yasaman Lotfizadeh

Excerpt: “This research draws attention to often overlooked Persian illustrated manuscripts that are rich depictions of nature in art. They also highlight inequities of representation, for example, underrepresentation of women and power negotiation between humans and the natural world.”


Food Security on Campus by Nancy Jiayi Lu 

Excerpt: “Food security is many different things. It’s not defined by just people who can’t afford to eat at all. There’s sort of a broad misunderstanding of what food security means.”



Photo by Kalea Morgan on Unsplash

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