Submission Guidelines

We invite you to write in a genre that fits your interest, aesthetic or discipline. It can be your essay or response written for a course. And we are equally excited to publish your photographic narratives, poems, short stories, interpretation of the magazine’s theme in artwork, interview of a scholar in the field, and more. If you want us to link your EDI-related podcast to this digital space, please connect with us.

We would love to hear from you!

General and Stylistic Guidelines

To build a sense of digital membership with RESPECT, we ask contributors to ensure the following:

  1. Submit your original, previously unpublished work. 
  2. To represent as many community members as possible, we will publish one single-authored text from each contributor. In case of collaborative work (multiple authorship), we may accept two submissions.
  3. If you have a reference or quote, please include source information at the end of the text or after an image. Similarly, diagrams, tables, charts, media files etc. must include appropriate attribution. Here’s some help: Citation Style Guides. Use APA. 
  4. Include the following when emailing your submission to
    • (i) Your name;
    • (ii) Your program;
    • (iii) Year at UBC; 
    • (iv) Title of your submission; and
    • (v) Bio-note: No more than 50 words. (See Examples)
    • Email Subject line: Last name_Submission Title
    • Attach your submission as a Word document and in case of media files use .mp4 format. Contact us if you have any question.
  5. Review the Creative Commons License feature of this Open Educational Resource.
    • Emailing your contribution to RESPECT indicates that you have read and accepted the license type.
    • NOTE: All material uploaded into UBC Blogs must comply with Canadian copyright laws. Uploading and posting content from copyrighted works requires authorization under the Copyright Act or authorization from the copyright holder (for example, specific permission from the copyright holder or a UBC license that permits such use). If your materials contain content from different sources, authorization is required for each source and such information should be recorded.
  6. Email your submission to

The editorial team will review and contact you if your submission needs a few tweaks or selected for publication.  

Here’s a reflective poster from the RESPECT team to get you thinking/planning/creating…

We look forward to reading your contribution and sharing it with the community!




Thank you for sharing your work with RESPECT!


Photo by Brigitta Schneiter on Unsplash

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