Tag Archives: U of Florida

Rouge Forum Update: Uprising in Oakland After the Electoral Shell Game

Rouge Forum Update: Uprising in Oakland After the Electoral Shell Game

Uprising in Oakland Ca Against Racist Murder of Oscar Grant: 8:50 p.m. Friday. Police make arrests after declaring unlawful assembly Police have arrested at least 100 people for unlawful assembly, though some could face other charges for throwing rocks and other crimes. At least 16 people have been processed on 6th Avenue between East 17th and East 18th streets, police said. A block away from the area where the arrests were made, about 40 people gathered and chanted, “Let them go, let them go,” and took pictures of those under arrest with cell phone cameras.

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Little Red Schoohouse

Army Wants to Eat the Youngest, Targets Grade Six to Nine: CYBERMISSION! Civilian and uniformed Army personnel will serve as CyberGuides, on-line experts who will communicate over the web, and Ambassadors who visit schools to promote the competition and award prizes to Regional winners. How does the Army benefit from this? The Army is indebted to our American communities for their support. This is one way the Army can give back to America, by helping youth learn more about the areas of science, math and technology…Each student on the first-place state winning team will receive $1,000 in U.S. EE Savings Bonds. Students on second-place state winning teams will receive $500 in U.S. EE Savings Bonds. Each regional first –place winning team will receive $2,000 in U.S. EE Savings Bonds and a trip to compete at the NJ&EE in the Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area. National first-place winners receive an additional $5,000 in U.S. EE Savings Bonds.

In Chicago, Ron the Con Huberman Gives Up the Ghost: Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Ron Huberman tried to argue against Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis, point by point, during the October 27, 2010 meeting of the Chicago Board of Education. Lewis had criticized the Board for wasting teachers’ time and taxpayers money on a plethora of tests, expanded this school year out of the school system’s area offices. Huberman posed as a test expert, trying to refute Lewis’s critique of the Scantron and DIBELS tests, promising to meet with her to discuss the matter further. A week later, Huberman announced his resignation… by George N. Schmidt.

CSU Bosses to “Vote” on 15.5% Fee Hike (that would be a 242% Increase since 2002). No student vote taken, natch. The California State University Board of Trustees is scheduled to vote on a 15.5 percent student fee increase next week.”The chancellor’s office is proposing to increase tuition in a two-step process to support 30,000 students this spring and give students and families more time for financial planning,” CSU spokesman Erik Fallis said on Monday.The fee increases will be taken up by the financial committee on Tuesday and by the full board on Wednesday.The first phase is a 5 percent mid-year fee increase, which will take effect in the beginning of spring. The second is a 10 percent fee increase starting in 2011-12 academic year. If both phases are adopted, fees for full-time undergraduate students will be about $4,779 by fall 2011, a 13 percent increase from this year.

Online Mis-education Is Cheap and Even More Alienating than Face to Face Test Prep! Good for Capital, bad for people but Some Profs Suck up To It: Across the country, online education is exploding: 4.6 million students took a college-level online course during fall 2008, up 17 percent from a year earlier, according to the Sloan Survey of Online Learning. A large majority — about three million — were simultaneously enrolled in face-to-face courses, belying the popular notion that most online students live far from campuses, said Jeff Seaman, co-director of the survey. Many are in community colleges, he said. Very few attend private colleges; families paying $53,000 a year demand low student-faculty ratios.

Colleges and universities that have plunged into the online field, mostly public, cite their dual missions to serve as many students as possible while remaining affordable, as well as a desire to exploit the latest technologies….The University of Florida has faced sweeping budget cuts from the State Legislature totaling 25 percent over three years. That is a main reason the university is moving aggressively to offer more online instruction. “We see this as the future of higher education,” said Joe Glover, the university provost….
“Quite honestly, the higher education industry in the United States has not been tremendously effective in the face-to-face mode if you look at national graduation rates,” he added. “At the very least we should be experimenting with other modes of delivery of education….

“I would prefer to teach classes of 50 and know every student’s name, but that’s not where we are financially and space-wise,” said Megan Mocko, who teaches statistics to 1,650 students. She said an advantage of the Internet is that students can stop the lecture and rewind when they do not understand something.

Rouge Forum Update continues here.

Zombie preparedness


Gainesville, FL on a typical Friday (or game day Saturday)

The University of Florida disaster preparedness web site was recently updated to include a “Zombie Attack Disaster Preparedness Simulation Exercise plan, along with the usual threats like hurricanes and H1N1.

As reported by Inside Higher Ed,

“the guide for dealing with a zombie attack includes a helpful list of signs that zombie attacks may be increasing. You should watch, for example, for “increasing numbers of gruesome unexplained deaths and disappearances, especially at night” and listen for “lots of strange moaning.”

“The guide includes an “Infected Co-Worker Dispatch Form” for Florida employees to let superiors know when a colleague exhibits signs of zombie behavior, with a checklist of such behaviors, including “references to wanting to eat brains,” “recently dead but moving again,” “lack of rational thought (this can cause problems confusing zombies with managers)” and “killed and ate another employee.”

“A footnote in the plan suggests the importance of maintaining sensitivity in a time of zombie attack: “While many people refer to ‘undead,’ practitioners in the field of Zombie Studies and zombie advocates such as PETZ: People for the Ethical Treatment of Zombies, and supporters of Florida Zombie Preserve, Inc. insist that the term ‘undead’ clearly connotes deficiency; specifically the absence of both life and death. Hence, we suggest here the term ‘life impaired’ to recognize the difficulties imposed on a former person by zombie behavior spectrum disorder (ZBSD) but without suggesting the former person is somehow ‘deficient’ as a result of the infection.”

According to the Associated Press, university officials have decided that zombies are not a sufficient threat to the university community to be included on their disaster preparedness web site, which is hard to believe if you have ever walked down Gainesville’s University Ave on Friday night (or earlier Saturday morning).