On March 28th, SFC participated in an open community event to start the second phase of the project on bridging territories, indigenous languages and poetry, Palabras Madre/Mother Words that will be developed during the next academic year 23/24 in partnership with Canadian cultural and community based organization from Toronto, Inspirad@s, and from Argentina, our new project leader, awarded Mapuche poet, professor and researcher Dr. Silvia Mellado (Universidad Nacional del Comahue-Conicet (Neuquen, Argentina). This time we had the opportunity to learn from Silvia, discuss the complex relationship between territories languages and indigenous identities, and listen to poems by contemporary indigenous authors written in Spanish and Mapuzugún.
With the participation of Spanish for Community director, Maria Carbonetti, it was organized by Inspirad@s and her director Carolina Testa in a free virtual gathering in Zoom. The event was only in Spanish language, but it had an excellent response with more than 100 registrations from Canada, Argentina, US and Europe.
You can watch it here:
Comments by Maria Carbonetti