Author Archives: Course Participant

John Johnston

Twitter: @johnjohnston
Blog URL:
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Description: I am a primary teacher, currently on secondment to Scottish Government as a product owner for ‘Glow Blogs’ which currently hosts >150,000 wordpress sites in 33 instances of wordpress. I have had a lot of inspiration from the use of wp in higher ed and hope to get more from this course.

Morris (“Mo”) Pelzel

Affiliation: Austin College
Twitter: @MorrisPelzel
Blog URL:
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Description: I am teaching two courses this summer and would like to use WP for both. One course is about developing web literacy and is called “How the Web Works: Building Your Digital Identity, Literacy, and Network.” The other is a theology course entitled “Catholic Identity and Ecumenism.” I also run the website and blog for Digital Pedagogy @ Austin College, so I’ve been learning a lot about the backend of WP that way. I’m excited to expand my understanding of what WP can do pedagogically, and looking forward to making new friends!

Tim Owens

Affiliation: Reclaim Hosting
Twitter: @timmmmyboy
Blog URL:
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Description: I’ve used WordPress for many years now and spent the last few years at the University of Mary Washington helping faculty use it in their classroom for everything from course sites to student blogs. Now as a co-founder of Reclaim Hosting I support a lot of folks using it in new and interesting ways and want to not only share what I’ve learned but also learn from others.