Author Archives: Course Participant

Mariana Funes


Affiliation: Lesley University
Twitter: @mdvfunes
Blog URL:
Other URL:
Description: I am here to trial and learn how to add and build this in to a WP site to work with a small community of students. Privacy and issue so in the real site I would have to be password protected.

To support Christina!

To create a checklist of ‘guidance for running open courses’ to support somebody else’s work in open education who is building such a list

To have some hard fun building stuff!

Rie Namba

Rie Namba in Action
Affiliation: University of British Columbia – CTLT
Twitter: @dreamsanatomy
Blog URL:
Other URL:
Description: Rie is a Visual Art graduate interested in web technology and user-centric design. Rie provides implementation support to users of UBC’s learning technology ecosystem, including learning management system (LMS/Connect) and open learning technologies (specifically UBC Wiki and WordPress). The focus of this work will be both to support new users/projects/implementations using this framework and existing users involved with the Digital Tattoo, Learning Commons and other large scale resource development projects using UBC’s open publishing framework. Rie likes playing video games, drawing random cartoons, and writing reviews on Yelp.

Will Engle

Affiliation: UBC
Twitter: @infology
Blog URL:
Other URL:
Description: Will is engaged with projects that are leveraging emerging technologies, approaches, and pedagogies to support open learning at UBC. With a background in library science, Will is interested in understanding and supporting the removal of barriers that limit access to education, information, and knowledge.