Tag Archives: TWP15

Happy (Associative) Trails to You

Although #TWP15 has ended its formal run, the network lives on (I hope!), and so I’m going to keep blogging about this WordPress based course, How the Web Works. It also occurred to me after today’s class meeting that sometimes it would be a helpful practice to blog about a particular meeting as a reflective exercise, to think out loud, and to capture a bit of what transpired to help clarify my own thinking. I realized toward the end of our time today that we were on an “associative” trail that was largely serendipitous and unpredictable. An associative trail, for those new ... Read more

The post Happy (Associative) Trails to You appeared first on How the Web Works.

Still Under Construction…but Starting to Take Shape

So we’re up and running with How the Web Works, my summer course hosted on WordPress. It’s definitely experimental, underdeveloped, emergent, and…messy! With one student (Chris) enrolled, it’s also sort of a paradox, as we try to co-construct a course that has principles of collaboration, peer-instruction, and connected learning baked in. But hey, we all play with the cards we are dealt, right? So far, to be honest, my focus hasn’t really been on the WordPress platform as such, but on getting a clearer sense of the conceptual map of the course (on the macro level) and on designing relevant ... Read more

The post Still Under Construction…but Starting to Take Shape appeared first on How the Web Works.


Assignment URL: http://courses.olblogs.tru.ca/facdev/topic/post-1-getting-started/
The assignment is the initial assignment in a short course on the idea of social presence in online learning which is the process of encouraging Students to express their personalities and identities into a course space. They are asked to publish a post that includes a recording of their voice, an image of themselves, and/or an amiage of something that tells other participants something about themselves.

designing a web

Nancy White recently called me a ‘technology steward’ and I rather like that description for my work. It seems to fit so much better than ‘e-Learning Facilitator’. When I think of designing a web in my WP courses, I feel that stewardship is an excellent model for what I need to do. At TRU-OL, our […]

Examples of Teaching with WordPress at UBC

Here’s a quick (well not that quick) screencast I put together as part of the Teaching with WordPress course. In the video, I highlight some of the different approaches and use cases of how WP is being used for teaching and learning at UBC. Here’s the specific courses and plugs-in that I mention:

SoilWeb200: http://soilweb200.landfood.ubc.ca/
Video Game Law: http://videogame.law.ubc.ca/
Phys101: https://blogs.ubc.ca/phys101/
Arts One Open: http://artsone-open.arts.ubc.ca/
Arts One Seminar: http://a1hendricks.arts.ubc.ca/

Gravity Forms: http://www.gravityforms.com/
Wiki Embed Plug in: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wiki-em…

Apologies for all of the scrolling!