Mindfulness is a contemporary model of psychotherapy that focuses on assisting an individual in the cultivation of a non-judgemental state of acceptance regarding each of their thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness employs treatment modalities such as meditation and breathing exercises and studies have shown encouraging results supporting its ability to increase the psychological well being of individuals […]
Author: Jeremiah Humphrey
The Power of Choice
All too often, during the more challenging moments in our lives, we may find ourselves succumbing to self doubt resulting in the experience of unnecessary stress and anxiety. The most important thing we can ever hope to understand is that happiness, confidence, and success are largely the result of the choices we make. This is […]
Positive Psychology
A former president of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Martin Seligman is well known for his work within the field of positive psychology. As opposed to other areas of practice within psychology that are known to place more of a specific focus on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders, positive psychology seeks to identify and enhance […]
A little while ago, I woke up feeling pretty miserable.I had a terrible cold, it was raining, I was behind on my assignments, there were bills to pay etc. etc. I’m not proud to admit this, but I was feeling pretty low and wondering if there was really anything left to keep me happy, motivated, and […]
Still out there searching for that one perfect pill to help promote, maintain, and restore mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health? What if I told you that it has already been created, it has been around for sometime, and that it’s virtually free! What if I told you it was music… Don’t believe me? Feeling a bit down?….Here […]
Noah Galloway is the first ever Men’s Health “reader” to grace the magazines cover since the original issue hit news stands in 1987…and he’s an amputee…but who cares! And that’s my point. I’m sure all the ladies reading this article will agree that this is one stunningly handsome man, and from a gentlemen’s perspective, I am […]
The following video is composed of footage I captured following the Stanley cup riots of 2011. Although the subject may be slightly dated, the lessons presented in the interpretations of this video most certainly are not. Regarding the subject of mental health, and comparably a reduction in suffering related to a lack of understanding in […]