
POSTDOC SOCIAL: Postdoc Appreciation Week Dinner Fri 25 September

Join us as we end the Postdoc Appreciation Week off with a dinner and, if the mood strikes, some karaoke on Friday 25 September at 7:30 pm at the Royal Seoul House. If you are keen to join, sign up here. Significant others are welcome. Contact us if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

PDA Research Day 2015

2015 Research Day website


We are excited to announce that we are holding our annual Research Day on Tuesday 22 September 2015! This half-day mini conference is our flagship event every year. This is a great opportunity to showcase your research and network with individuals from diverse departments at UBC and the industry.

Presentations (2 – 4PM LSC3 Theatre)
Posters and reception after the oral presentations (LSC Atrium)

If you are a UBC postdoc or research associate and would like to make a 10 minute oral presentation or a poster presentation, please submit your abstract here (the oral submission has closed, but you can still submit a poster until 16 September).

Attendance is free and open to all interested parties. Please RSVP here. Space is limited (last year we had a wait list), so please sign up early to avoid disappointment! Cash prizes to be won and drinks and refreshments will be served.

POSTDOC SOCIAL: Jurassic Park Outdoor Movie Night


Tuesday 18 August (6.30 PM)
Enjoy a summer evening with your fellow postdocs by joining us for an Outdoor Movie Night under the stars at Second Beach in Stanley Park on Tuesday 18 August. Pack a picnic and meet us between the two globes on the beach side of the cinema at 6:30 pm where will we enjoy some snacks and good company while we wait for the screen to come alive with scenes from the original Jurassic Park. If you are keen to join, sign up here. Children and partners are welcome. Contact us if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

POSTDOC SOCIAL: Ice Cream & Beer Tuesday 14 July


Join us for some of the best ice cream in town followed by a beer on a sunny patio on Tuesday 14 July. We will start with some ice cream at Earnest Ice Cream (Quebec street) at 6:30 pm followed by a beer at Tap & Barrel (Olympic Village) at 7:30 pm. If you are keen to join, sign up here. Partners are welcome. Contact Britt if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

‘Postdoc Talks’: Call for Abstracts!


The PDA is calling for postdocs to present their field of research to a non-specialized audience in an engaging, informal and fun way that captures the imagination and leaves us wanting more! This talk will be nothing like your typical conference presentations, or your academic job talks. We want to know what you do in a broader context, and what the significance and real world applications of your research are.

Why? Promote postdoctoral research in the local community and improve communication and public engagement skills.

When? This is a brand new series of talks that will be held at the Railway Club over the summer. First event will be held on July 8th 2015.

More dets? Two speakers with different backgrounds will be featured. Each talk will be 30mins with time for discussion.

This is a great opportunity for the public to engage in YOUR research! If you’re passionate and up to the challenge, please send us your abstract . Abstracts that demonstrate your ability to communicate the significance of your research in an accessible and engaging way will be selected.

Introducing UBC PDA Postdoc Talks

Presented by the UBC Postdoctoral Association.

Postdoctoral researchers are critical to the research performed at academic institutions. UBC ‘Postdoc Talks’ is a public forum that will allow you to learn more about what postdocs do in an engaging, informal and fun atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, so share the word with your friends and family!

Details for our first event:
The Railway Club – 579 Dunsmuir St. at Seymour
Wednesday, July 8th at 7:30pm

The first event will feature two postdocs who will explain their diverse research to you in an accessible manner. Find out more about these two speakers by clicking on their names below. This will take you to our new ‘Featured Postdocs’ section on our blog!

Dr. Justin Hart: Robot self-modeling and self-other reasoning
Dr. Hart’s research involves artificial intelligence, computer vision, and human-robot interaction in which reasoning about the robot’s “self” plays an important role. In this talk, Justin will discuss how his research will enable robots to perform self-other social reasoning that will ultimately help robots to work in roles where they can act as collaborators to human operators.

Dr. Masahiro Minami: Giving peace a chance…
Dr. Minami’s research applies group dynamics theories to effective mediation, inter-group conflict resolution, and community psychosocial reconciliation in post-war contexts. After the Genocide against Tutsis occurred in Rwanda, the Rwandan government released perpetrators back into the communities. In this talk, Masahiro will discuss his research to nurture reconciliation through action, and discuss the experience of the survivors and perpetrators.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

3MPS 2015 Presentations and Results

The 3 Minute Postdoc Slam 2015 was a great success – thank you to everyone who participated and attended! Congratulations to our winners:

1st place – Dr. Masahiro Minami
2nd place (and Peoples’ Choice) – Dr. Cherry Ng
3rd Place – Dr. Jane O’Hara

Fortunately, if you were unable attend, you can watch their presentations right here! Our guest speaker, Dr. Jeremy Hirota, has also been kind enough to share his presentation with us! Scroll down for these videos, slides as well as photos from the event. The PDA hopes to see you all again at our Research Day which will be taking place later in the year.

Dr Jeremy Hirota
Assistant Professor, Division of Respiratory Medicine, UBC
The Importance of Effective (Science) Communication

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Dr. Masahiro Minami
Giving peace a chance…
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Dr. Cherry Ng
Pulsar hunting and detecting gravitational waves
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Dr. Jane O’Hara
Creativity: A Common Link between the Arts and the Sciences
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Photographs from the event

Created with flickr slideshow.


Thanks to Chris Rider for the videos and photographs

PDA Social Event: Kits Beach BBQ

When: Saturday 20 June 2015 (1 PM)
Where: Kits Beach
(On the grass at the intersection of Maple St & McNicoll Ave)



Bring along your own food and drinks and celebrate summer with a beach BBQ on Saturday 20 June (1 PM). If you are keen to join, sign up here.

Children and partners are welcome.

Please contact Britt if you have any questions.


You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

3 Minute Postdoc Slam: Meet our featured speaker!

3MPS image website

PRESENTATIONS (4 – 6 PM): Room LSC3 (theatre)
RECEPTION (6 – 8 PM): Room 1510

Join us for our 3MPS 2015 event on 21 May! No RSVP required. We have presentations from over ten UBC postdocs who are all eager to share their research with you. Snacks and refreshments will be served. We are also very excited to announce our invited speaker, Dr. Jeremy Hirota, who will be be giving a special presentation on the importance of science communication at the event! Please read his short biography below. We look forward to seeing you there!

Jeremy Hirota Ph.D.

Dr. Jeremy Hirota
I’m an Assistant Professor in the Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine at UBC. On the science side of things: I’m interested in understanding how the air we breathe triggers immune responses in our lungs, and how these can lead to the development or worsening of chronic lung diseases like asthma and COPD. I use a combination of clinical studies, animal models, and cell-based experiments to generate robust data that can be used for drug development or inform policy makers to protect the quality of air we need to breathe each day. On the communication side of things: At the midpoint of my postdoctoral training I became interested in communicating my research more broadly than to just specialist journals and conferences. I wanted to give back more to the people that fund the research we do. One step I took was to enrol in the MSFHR/SickKids workshop on Knowledge Translation which was a positive experience. The next significant step I took was completing the Banff Centre’s Science Communication workshop in the summer of 2014, directed by Jay Ingram of Discovery Channel fame and his partner Mary Anne Moser ( I feel like I’m just getting started – and I look at each opportunity to speak as a chance to learn from the audience and start a dialogue.

Follow me on twitter: @jeremyhirota
Connect with me on linkedin

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!