
3 Minute Postdoc Slam 2015

3MPS image website

PRESENTATIONS (4 – 6 PM): Room LSC3 (theatre)
RECEPTION (6 – 8 PM): Room 1510

We are pleased to announce that our annual 3MPS is back! Engage the audience and tell us about your research in exactly 3 minutes, using one static slide (and props if you wish)!  Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook accounts, for announcements regarding a special guest presenter.

If you would like to present at the event, please sign up by 7 May. Space is limited, so sign up soon! Snacks and refreshments will be served and there are cash prizes for the best presentations. If you do not want to present, please still join us as an audience member! Please contact The PDA if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

POSTDOC SOCIAL: The Irish Heather Wed 29 April


Get to know your fellow postdocs over a pint and some grub on Wednesday 29 April at 7pm at The Irish Heather. If you are keen to join, sign up here by Friday 24 April so we can book a table. Significant others are welcome. Contact Britt if you have any questions.

You can add this event to your Google Calendar by clicking on the button below. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the entire calendar, with all our events, here!

Elections 2015: Call for Nominations!

The UBC Postdoctoral Associations is now accepting nominations for the 2015-2016 Executive Committee.

PDA Elections Banner


Run for the PDA Postdoc Executive and grow as a leader!

Benefits of leadership as a PDA Executive:

  • Develop leadership and management skills
  • Gain experience running an organization
  • Enrich your postdoctoral experience
  • Improve your networking and communication skills
  • Serve your postdoctoral community
  • Gain valuable professional and personal development

Download the UBC PDA nomination form here. Complete and return to along with a recent photo of yourself and a 100-200 word profile statement about yourself and your visions and goals for this position.

Nomination deadline: Monday March 23rd, 2015.
Online voting: Tuesday March 24 to Tuesday March 31, 2015.
Results announced: Wednesday April 1st, 2015

Executive positions open for election (click to read role descriptions):

The UBC PDA President shall:

Act as the public face of the PDA to:

  1. speak on behalf of the PDA at orientation and wherever appropriate
  2. understand the needs of PDA members and ensure equal representation across departments

Be responsible for meetings of the PDA Executive members to:

  1. chair and set the agenda for meetings
  2. ensure proper operation of the meetings
  3. take minutes at meetings, or designate a member to do so
  4. manage copies of the minutes, agendas, and any other materials

Be responsible for the execution of decisions by the PDA Executives

Lead the Annual General Meeting and PDA Elections

Work together with the VP-Communications to:

  1. direct content for communication to members of the UBC postdoc community
  2. manage and update the website
  3. respond to emails
  4. direct the advertisement of PDA events.

Work together with the VP-External to:

  1. collaborate and communicate with the Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars
  2. raise awareness of postdoctoral issues and find avenues of support

Work together with the VP-Social to create a calendar of social events and ensure a broad outreach.

Work together with the VP-Operations to:

  1. ensure liaising with the UBC Postdoctoral Fellows office and Deans office
  2. representing the PDA during meetings with UBC faculty, staff and administrators
  3. coordinate the Executive Members of the PDA

Work together with the VP-Finance to:

  1. ensure responsible stewardship over the annual budget when planning events
  2. being aware of outflow and inflow


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The UBC PDA VP-Operations shall:

  1. Organize professional development activities for post docs.
  2. Set up regular PDA meetings via doodle polls and arrange suitable venues on/off campus
  3. Organize non-social UBC-PDA events
  4. Attend and participate in meetings of the PDA executive members
  5. Assist in all PDA executive members plan.
  6. Perform duties of the President, in the event of absence or illness of the President

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The UBC PDA VP-External shall:

  1. Raise the voice of UBC postdoctoral fellows at regional and national platforms through participation and dialogues with the Canadian Association for Postdoctoral Scholars (CAPS-ACSP)
  2. Build and promote alliance with various BC industrial sectors to create opportunities for researchers outside academia
  3. Work with CAPS-ACSP to create and sustain dialogue with legislators to acknowledge the role of postdoctoral fellows and research associates to Canadian economy
  4. Address or raise awareness for issues relevant to postdoctoral fellows and research associates
  5. Work with the UBC PDA executive team to ensure smooth running of the organization and liaise with its partners

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The UBC PDA VP-Communications shall:

  1. Be responsible for the development of the communication strategy
  2. Manage communication activities that promote, enhance, and protect the PDA’s brand reputation
  3. Manage the PDA’s email account and email listserv
  4. Work with the President in planning content for the PDA newsletters
  5. Work with the President to recognize internal and external communications opportunities
  6. Work with the President in managing communications on the PDA’s Facebook page and Twitter
  7. Exercise judgment to prioritize media opportunities, and prepare presentations and other supporting material as needed during events
  8. Work with the team to maintain and continuously improve the PDA website
  9. Promote events
  10. Support the communications needs of the PDA and the Postdoctoral Fellows Office

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The UBC PDA VP-Social shall:

  1. Attend and participate in the biannual PDA orientations
  2. Advertise the PDA to the new postdocs
  3. Deliver the “Getting to Know Vancouver” talk
  4. Organize a social for postdocs after the orientation
  5. Plan, advertise and execute regular social and networking events for postdocs, including the annual:
  6. Whistler trip (organize to/from Whistler and reserve accommodation at the UBC lodge)
  7. “3 Minute Postdoc Slam” competition (assist all PDA executive members plan)
  8. UBC Postdoc Research Day” (assist all PDA executive members plan)
  9. Christmas party (venue reservation and run games e.g. “white elephant”)
  10. Other outdoor activities including hiking and kayaking trips
  11. Attend and participate in meetings of the PDA executive members, which include booking public venues on/off UBC campus

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The UBC PDA VP-Finance shall:

  1. Be a Postdoctoral fellow residing in the Life Sciences Institute (due to budget restrictions)
  2. Oversee correct use and spending of the UBC PDA budget and liaise with Life Science Institute (LSI) admin staff
  3. Help organize events (3-Minute Postdoc Slam, Postdoctoral Research Day, seminars in general)
  4. Serve as the LSI Postdoc representative on the Life Sciences Institute Steering Committee (meets once a month)

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PDA Seminar Series: Financial Literacy for Postdocs Feb 17th

We are continuing our financial literacy seminar series!  The Financial Literacy Counsel Inc. of Vancouver is back again for the second portion of the financial literacy seminar for postdocs! This seminar is applicable to Canadian and international postdocs from all disciplines.

*There will be no promotion of any financial institution or their products.


Food and beverages will be provided.



Alphil Guilaran
Executive Director, Financial Literacy Counsel

Samuel Raharjo, RHU

Bob Wang, BCComm CPA (2015)
Jay Kiew, BA
Principals, Legacy Bookkeeping Ltd.

Ryan Howe, JD

Business, Wealth Preservation & Intellectual Property Law
Alexander, Holburn, Beaudin + Lang

PART 2: Intermediate

Financial Literacy 502
February 17, 2015
4:30 – 6:00 pm
Location: Student Union Building (SUB) Room 209

We will explore financial, tax, and legal strategies to help keep more of what you earn.

In this session you will learn:

  • Safeguarding your intellectual property
  • Tax planning beyond your postdoc:
    • Employee/ Tenured professorship
    • Contractor/ Self Employed/ Incorporated
  • Wills, estates, and family law

Weekend Whistler Trip at the UBC Whistler Lodge

0708-p2pgondolacomp-final1As the tradition follows, the UBC-PDA would like to invite you for our annual trip to Whistler. We’ll be arriving in Whistler early on Saturday, March 28th to enjoy a full day on the gorgeous mountains in Whistler. Whether you’d like to ski/snowboard/cross country, there will be something for everyone! Saturday night we’ll have a potluck dinner at the lodge, and Sunday we’ll hit the slopes for another day of skiing/snowboarding!

Accommodation Details:

UBC Whistler lodge, which is located 3 Km south of Whistler Village and within walking distance of the Creekside gondola (for more info go to The UBC-Postdoc Association has secured 15 beds at the UBC Whistler lodge for one night on Saturday, March 28th at 36$/person. SPACE IS LIMITED and it will be first come first served, so contact Miranda Kirby ( with ‘PDA-Whistler’ in the subject line, and provide us with the following:

• I want to stay at the UBC lodge: YES / NO
• I will pay for my accommodations at the UBC lodge via: email transfer YES / NO
• I will pay for my accommodations at the UBC lodge via cold cash to MIRANDA OR ELISA directly: YES / NO
• MY email address is: ______________________


We require the full payment by Saturday, March 14th. You can pay in full by email transfer to Miranda Kirby ( we can collect the full cash amount at UBC campus or off campus during the week. For post-docs on campus, Elisa can arrange to collect the deposit and post-docs off campus can directly speak to Miranda (our contact and work addresses are shown below).

Important points:

  1. Re: accommodation, if you are unable to confirm by Saturday, March 14th, you can make a reservation yourself online ( or send an email to the Whistler Lodge booking representative ( Private rooms may be available and cost $54/person.
  2. If you are booking your own accommodation, please leave us your contact details and we’ll let arrange to meet with you on March 28th.
  3. In the past, car pools were arranged which is the cheapest option so if you have a car and can fit a couple people please let us know. For others interested in taking public transportation, Greyhound or Whistle Shuttle bus can be reasonably cheap when booked in advance. 

Pass and equipment info:
You are responsible for purchasing your ski pass and/or equipment rentals. If you purchase an Edge Card online 48 hours in advance you can save up to $20. A 1-day edge card costs $99 versus $119 for regular window ticket rate. For more info:
Looking forward to see you all on the 28th of March!


Miranda & Elisa

Contact Information
Miranda Kirby
(604) 682-2344 ext. 62868
Elisa Wong


PDA Seminar Series: Financial Literacy for Postdocs Feb 3rd

The slides from the presentations are available for download.
Download Presentation Slides Here

We are continuing our seminar series for postdocs!  In partnership with the Financial Literacy Counsel Inc. of Vancouver, we are offering a seminar on money management, tax planning, and wills and estates. This seminar is applicable to Canadian and international postdocs from all disciplines.

*There will be no promotion of any financial institution or their products.


Food and beverages will be provided.



Alphil Guilaran
Executive Director, Financial Literacy Counsel

Samuel Raharjo, RHU

Bob Wang, BCComm CPA (2015)

Part 1: Basic

Financial Literacy 501
February 3, 2015
4:30 – 6:00 pm
Location: Life Sciences Institute, 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver
Lecture Hall 3 (LSC3)

We will cover money management principles to help get your financial house in order.

In this session you will learn:

  • How to pay off grad school debts
  • The ABC’s of saving money in Canada
  • Should you do RRSP’s, TFSA’s or both?
  • How to reduce taxes as a postdoc
  • Tax planning for international postdocs

Stay tuned for Part II on February 17th!

Recap and slideshare: Pursuing academic and industry careers in the life sciences

On October 28, 2014, Dr. Grace Lee led a practical and interactive panel session on:

  • how branding your professional profile is important as you move towards your next career milestone
  • how to prepare an outstanding application for a faculty position in the life sciences
  • how hiring managers in industry choose the best candidates from among a sea of applicants

Time: 4:30 – 6:30pm
LocationLife Sciences Centre, 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Room LSC3

The slides from each presentation are downloadable. Click the link below to download:
Creating Career Marketing Tools by Developing your Personal Brand – Presentation by Grace Lee
Pursuing a Faculty Position – Presentation by Michael Gold
Pursuing Industry Careers in the Life Sciences – Presentation by Nilly Razavi and Brian Duff

Visit HERE for both the video and audio recordings of the seminar.

We have posted the photos to this event on our Facebook page ( and on Flickr. A link to our Flickr album is available on the photos tab.

End of Summer 2014 BBQ

Celebrate the end of Summer 2014 with a BBQ!  


Time: Saturday Sept 27, 2014 from noon
Location: Kits beach (specific location will be announced)
Food/Drinks: bring your favorite food and drinks for the BBQ!
Numbers: let us know if you are coming so we can plan how many grills/utensils to bring!

Please note that this event will depend on the weather, so stay in touch for any changes to the plan!

Recap: PDA Postdoctoral Research Day 2014

On September 17, 2014, the UBC Postdoctoral Association organized the annual Research Day. We heard from 7 speakers:

  1. Dagmar E. Ehrnhoefer (Medical Genetics): Interrupting the toxic feedback loop that activates caspase-6 in Huntington’s disease – A therapeutic strategy?
  2. Allen Yi-Lun Tsai (Botany): Using Seeds as a Novel Model to Study Pectin Synthesis
  3. Cole Vonder Haar (Psychology): Assessing Therapeutics to Treat Cognitive Dysfunction following Traumatic Brain Injury
  4. Mia Olsson Microbiology & Immunology): To explore the mechanisms behind autoinflammation – with a little help from a wrinkled friend
  5. Maria Morell (Zoology): Acoustic Trauma and High-frequency Hearing Adaptations in Toothed Whales
  6. Evan Ashworth (Linguistics): Bringing Flexible Learning to the Linguistics Classroom
  7. Mimi E. Lam (UBC Fisheries Centre): Seafood Ethics

(L to R): Rachel Fernandez, Ainara Garde, Maria Morell, Grace Lee, Cole Vonder Haar, Erin Macmillan

In the speakers category, the first place winner of $200 was Maria Morell, and second place winner of $100 was Cole Vonder Haar.

Winners for our posters category were Erin Macmillan ($100), Luisa Burhenne ($75), and Ainara Garde Martinez ($50).


We were grateful to our judges, who chose the winners based on the mastery of 4 components: demonstrated comprehension, audience engagement, effective communication, and visual impact.

Many thanks to Amy Lee @minisciencegirl who tweet during our event: “What does the rat brain injury tell us about NFL players? Increase in impulsivity and inflammation. #ubcpostdocs #researchday”

We have posted the photos to this event on our Facebook page ( and on Flickr. A link to our Flickr album is available on the photos tab.

We invite you to like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @UBCPostdoc to stay up to date on this event and more.